


A summer full of journal prompts to Stop Procrastinating & Start Creating. Delivered right to your inbox.


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Get summer of starting Free with your purchase of The Heart to Start!

The journal prompts in Summer of Starting are specifically designed to complement the lessons in the book, The Heart to Start. You can enjoy Summer of Starting FREE with your proof of purchase of the book.

Just buy The Heart to Start on Amazon, or anywhere else, and send your receipt to [email protected].

You’ve got a Vision

Maybe you've been meaning to write a book. Maybe you've been meaning to start a business.

But you keep putting it off.

Like Nike says, you need to just do it.

But it's not that easy. You get creatively blocked, you fear failure, or you keep fooling yourself that you're not ready.

This summer, Make it real

Summer of Starting is a series of journal prompts designed to systematically break through starting resistance, and end your aspiration procrastination.

Each week, you'll get a short email with a quick journal prompt. Write your response in your journal, or simply respond to the emails.

You'll tap into the true source of your creativity, find the fuel to get yourself going, and build momentum to keep moving.

The Heart to Start is solid advice from David Kadavy. It’s not too late.” —Seth Godin

Follow along with your copy of the Heart to Start, or simply follow the emails

Each journal prompt email is enough to get you moving.

But you can also follow along with your copy of The Heart to Start. Each journal prompt is based upon a chapter.

The Heart to Start is available on Amazon, and everywhere else.

David Kadavy

Summer of Starting coach


After escaping from a cubicle in Nebraska, David Kadavy has been a jet-setting independent writer and designer for more than a decade. He’s written two best-selling books, designed his productivity insights into Google Cal, and is host of the Love Your Work podcast.

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