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Hunch: Turn Your Everyday Insights Into The Next Big Thing Kindle Edition
Analyzing hard data? A corporate brainstorming session? Customer focus groups? Or closer to home?
Successful people don’t wait for proof that their idea will work. They learn to trust their gut and go.
In Hunch, international bestselling author and business adviser Bernadette Jiwa shows you how to harness the power of your intuition so you can recognize opportunities others miss and create the breakthrough idea the world is waiting for. She explores inspired hunches, from one that led to the launch of the breakout GoldieBlox brand to another that helped a doctor reduce infant mortality rates around the world.
Filled with success stories, reflection exercises, and writing prompts, Hunch is the indispensable guide to embracing your unique potential and discovering your own winning ideas.
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherPortfolio
- Publication dateJune 6, 2017
- File size1728 KB

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Editorial Reviews
-Ivy Ross, VP design at Google
“At the heart of every great business is a leader with a curious mind, heart, and spirit. Hunch helps you to tap into those often overlooked yet valuable qualities that will unlock your boldest ideas.”
—Chip Conley, strategic adviser at Airbnb
“This book provides much needed jet fuel for any leader of creative people. Bernadette Jiwa reminds us that if we want to leap, we must use our higher human capabilities and not delegate our intelligence to data and tech.”
—Chris Bruzzo, chief marketing officer at Electronic Arts (EA)
“Hunch arms you with powerful tools you won’t find in a traditional business book. Read it and realize the potential we all have to be creative.”
—Antonio Zea, senior director at Under Armour
“Empathy and intuition are the new killer app, and this book shows how to deploy them with astonishing results.”
—Carson Tate, author of Work Simply
“While data-driven decision making is a useful business capability, Bernadette Jiwa reminds us that gut and instinct still reign supreme. Hunch goes further, showing you in practical ways how to cultivate this important skill.”
—Steve Clayton, chief storyteller at Microsoft
“Your next great insight is right under your nose, and you’re probably missing it. Bernadette Jiwa expertly shows you how to connect the dots in your world to transform everyday hunches into impactful work.”
—Todd Henry, author of The Accidental Creative
“Hunch shines a light on the true engine of business success: the instincts that live inside us all.” —Ken Segall, author of Think Simple
About the Author
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
What's Stopping You? Han-ups and Hurdles
You get your intuition back when you make space for it, when you stop the chattering of the rational mind. The rational mind doesn't nourish you. You assume that it gives you the truth, because the rational mind is the golden calf that this culture worships, but this is not true. Rationality squeezes out much that is rich and juicy and fascinating.
-Anne Lamott
You Know More Than You Think
I believe in intuitions and inspirations. I sometimes feel that I am right. I do not know that I am.
-Albert Einstein
It doesn't seem that long ago since encyclopedia salesmen came door knocking on the street where I grew up. They offered flexible payment terms in order to sell thick, leather-bound volumes to workin-class parents who couldn't always understand their contents, never mind afford the payments. Even as a nine-year-old, I was skeptical about the wisdom of deferring to our new Encyclopedia Britannica for every answer. How could the information about world population printed on the page in 1975 still be accurate as I read it from the weighty book on my lap a whole year later? How could these facts, that my parents hadn't yet finished paying for the privilege of owning, possibly be accurate?
Fast-forward forty years. The iPhone has been in existence for only ten years and has changed everything. Thanks to the internet and digital media, Wikipedia and Google, we have more up-to-the-minute information at our fingertips than we can ever consume.
We could be forgiven for thinking that facts, figures and findings communicate the whole truth and hold the keys to unlocking the value in every future opportunity. New digital tools and technologies not only give us more information about the world around us and the other people in it, but also help us to know more about ourselves. We can literally monitor every step we take and every calorie we consume. The great hope is that if we can gather enough data, we will have the power to change the things we want to change-and that we can do it without having to face the fear of uncertainty.
Data-that which we can easily measure-is supposed to make us smarter, and maybe it can, but I'd argue that it doesn't always make us wiser. Many of our actions and reactions can be observed and quantified, but that data doesn't always expose the truth about why we take or have them. If it did, we would have found a way to stop people smoking cigarettes, overeating, gambling and drinking to excess. All of the health data that scientists use to persuade us to change our behavior doesn't necessarily have any effect. Hard facts tell only part of the story.
Things are no different when it comes to evaluating the potential of ideas. Where was the data that predicted the need for and subsequent success of Google, Facebook and the iPhone, or the decline of Kodak, BlackBerry and orange juice? Which analyst forecast the 250 percent increase in almond milk sales in the U.S. over the past five years? Who anticipated that yoga pants would unseat jeans in popular culture, to spawn an active-wear revolution that will help the sports-apparel market be worth a predicted $178 billion globally by 2019? And what about coloring books for adults, with an estimated 12 million sold in 2015 in the U.S. alone-who saw that juggernaut coming? When it comes to making predictions about which ideas will fly, we tend to forget that we can only use the information we have at hand about the past or the present to make a judgment call, or prediction about the future. We don't (or can't) know the significance of things we have no information about, or haven't yet thought to measure, and can't possibly know for sure.
And yet we crave certainty, so we keep amassing and putting our faith in data. That faith has been fractured and then shattered by recent political events. According to Steve Lohr and Natasha Singer of The New York Times, all the data (and there was a lot of it) put Hillary ClintonÕs chances of winning the 2016 U.S. presidential election at between 70 and 99 percent. As we know, these forecasts made by experts who had pored over every single possible data point turned out to be far from reliable. Lohr and Singer report Òa far-reaching change across industries that have increasingly become obsessed with data, the value of it and the potential to mine it for cost-saving and profit-making insights.Ó However, they also remind us that Òdata science is a technology advance with trade-offs. It can see things as never before, but also can be a blunt instrument, missing context and nuance.Ó This proved to be true in the case of the 2016 presidential election. It was easy to measure how people said they would vote, but far harder to gauge what was in peopleÕs hearts.
Because we love to measure and quantify things, Western schooling is awash with standardized tests that profess to establish the truth about intelligence and future potential-concrete data about who is likely to sink or swim. We are rewarded for knowing the right answers from a young age. So we learn to give them, because repeatedly coming up with the wrong, or unexpected, answers can put you at a distinct disadvantage both in school and beyond. In a world where those with the highest test scores get the best grades, go to the better colleges, get the top jobs and have the nicest lives, you'd better be certain of the facts. The result is that we have fallen into the trap of being unwilling to utter the three hardest words in the English language-"I don't know."
Couple such educational training with the "Only they could have done it" cultural narrative discussed earlier, and we have another obstacle to exploration and discovery: if we don't trust ourselves to come up with or evaluate good ideas, and we think creativity and brilliance are reserved for others, we'll be tempted to lean on data even more.
The obvious problem here is that we can never be 100 percent certain of anything, so we need to learn to act even in the face of uncertainty. The not-so-obvious problem is that the more we defer to hard data alone to shine a light on the truth, the more we neglect opportunities to nurture our inherent curiosity, develop emotional intelligence and cultivate imagination.
It turns out that knowledge and wisdom are not necessarily the same things at all. If, as Francis Bacon is thought to have said, "Knowledge is power," then how we question, learn from, interpret and act on what we find to be true-our understanding and resulting choices and actions-is what makes us powerful beyond all measure. In our data-saturated (and data-obsessed) world, facts and logic are king and intuition gets a bad rap. Author Michael Lewis describes the "powerful trend to mistrust human intuition and defer to algorithms" that came about as a result of the work of scientists in the field of behavioral economics, pioneered by psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Their groundbreaking research exposed the flaws in human judgment as it relates to decision making. The scientific evidence has subsequently led us to throw the baby out with the bathwater and to dismiss the important role intuition plays in igniting discovery and innovation. Even in the scientific community, intuition helps to formulate hypotheses that are subsequently tested in experimental methods. In addition, as Cathy O'Neil says in her book Weapons of Math Destruction (Penguin, 2016), the popularity of algorithms "relies on the notion they are objective, but the algorithms that power the data economy are based on choices made by fallible human beings." In spite of this we still question the need to trust the facts far less than we question the insights we glean from our observations and experience. We are in danger of becoming a generation of plugged-in, look-it-uppers who are more ready to take things at face value and less willing to inquire or explore. More satisfied with proof and less open to discovery. More inclined to consume rather than create. More fearful of uncertainty than open to possibility.
What we need to remember is that not all of the useful information we can gather can be precisely measured and carefully graphed. What we observe in the everyday about what's working and what's not, why this is chosen and that is rejected, and how the world still turns when people say one thing and do another, can lead to the seemingly insignificant insights that change everything. When we are creating ideas that will exist in the world, we must take that world into account-all of it, not just a logical, thin-sliced or convenient view of it. In 1929 Einstein astonished his peers in the scientific community when he said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge," but as physicist S. James Gates points out, having mulled over Einstein's words for many years, the reason they ring true is because "imagination turns out to be the vehicle by which we increase knowledge. And so if you don't have imagination, you're not going to get more knowledgeable."
The good news is that we instinctively understand more than we give ourselves credit for and we didn't learn it all from Britannica, Wikipedia or Google. Every day, we have access to vast amounts of information that we unconsciously collect. While this other kind of data is subjective, it's still useful and it can-it must-be put to work. If we train ourselves to become more observant, if we pay attention-to our surroundings, to other people, to what's happening that shouldn't be, or what's not happening that should be-our most mundane experiences can fuel our boldest and most brilliant ideas.
Our Insights Are Only as Good as Our Questions
Sometimes questions are more important than answers.
-Nancy Willard
Should the hyperlink be green or blue? If it's blue, how do we know we've chosen exactly the right shade of blue? Tomasz Tunguz, former product manager for Google AdSense, sheds some light on just how involved looking for the correct answer can become: "At Google, we tested everything. User interfaces, advertising targeting models, even hiring practices. One product team tested forty-one different shades of blue to ensure maximum click-through rate; but the company is now testing black links."
In a digital environment, it's easy to get hard data-to test which color link most users click on and then use that information to enhance engagement or improve results. But now more than ever, fewer of the answers we seek are so black or white. And fewer of the conclusions that are truly valuable can be drawn from a simple yes or no. What if the better kind of question to ask isn't Which blue did they click on? or Did we get more people to check the box on the form? but How could our color preference data help us to improve the design of online tax forms? and How could user behavior analytics be used to encourage more people to opt into organ donation programs?
We live and work in an age when we are compensated for being decisive and making judgment calls about where to go next. We are rewarded for making people believe enough in our solution that they want to join us on the journey to either building or buying into it. The ability or inability to do these things is what either advances progress or stops it in its tracks. But because problems, potential solutions and opportunities can be complex, ambiguous or ill defined, there may not be a single right answer or best course of action to take in a given situation.
This lack of certainty makes us uncomfortable-and it's something we need to become accustomed to if we want to make progress. We can almost never have enough information to commit to a course of action without risk. And we often have to rely on the human intelligence of soft data to help us take the plunge. If we want to have the opportunity to be right, we have to entertain the possibility of simultaneously being wrong and taking action before we're certain.
Tesla Motors committed to designing and manufacturing its Model 3-an affordable mass-market electric car-even though when it was unveiled the company had delivered only 100,000 cars in its lifetime. Within twenty-four hours of the announcement, 200,000 people paid a $1,000 refundable deposit to preorder a Model 3, which would probably not be available for another two years. That number of preorders doubled to 400,000 in just two weeks. If every one of those preorders converts to a purchase, the total revenue will be $14 billion. Tesla didn't get there by making the "If we build it, they will come" assumptions a traditional car manufacturer might have made. They didn't use historic data to extrapolate sales projections. They got there by saying, "If you come, we will build it."
Great ideas always seem obvious after the fact-when we have proof that they worked or some outward measure of their success. In our new data-driven world, we have increasingly come to rely on proof as a starting point, forgetting that every breakthrough idea starts not with a surefire solution, but with a difficult or puzzling question. Innovation, creativity and invention happen in the uncertain pursuit of truth and with the desire to solve a problem. As Dr. Pauline Boss, Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, puts it:
Scientific discoveries happen not through method or magic, but from being open to discovery by listening to one's emotions and responding to intuition. Like a poet, the researcher, as well as the therapist, needs the ability to imagine what the truth might be.
We need to imagine what the truth might be. The innovators at Google express it this way: we have to "bring questions, to build answers." Before we know for sure. The kinds of questions that gave us electric cars, the polio vaccine and even the granola bar-the ones that could one day bring balloon-powered internet access to people in the developing world-aren't the tired questions like Is this good enough? or Does it meet the spec? They are questions that invite discovery, ones that ask, What happens when?, Why won't it work? and What if it did?
This ability to question, to be imaginative and curious in the face of uncertainty and to act on the information we have, the things we sense but may not yet know to be true, is what enables us to pioneer, recognize opportunities and make a difference. And it's a skill we can cultivate with practice.
You should be aware at the outset that I'm not talking about crystal-ball gazing or punditry here (or anywhere else in this book). The ideas expressed are not about predicting what the stock market will do next week, or the odds that your team will win the league this season. These ideas are shared in order to help you hone the skills to ask better questions and trust your intuition so you can make decent judgment calls in situations where you don't have every shred of information about what might happen next. My hope is that you will learn to let go of the need to bring answers, in order to cultivate the ability to ask the questions that will get you to them.
Product details
- ASIN : B01M3U5567
- Publisher : Portfolio (June 6, 2017)
- Publication date : June 6, 2017
- Language : English
- File size : 1728 KB
- Text-to-Speech : Enabled
- Screen Reader : Supported
- Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
- X-Ray : Enabled
- Word Wise : Enabled
- Print length : 205 pages
- Best Sellers Rank: #1,355,184 in Kindle Store (See Top 100 in Kindle Store)
- #259 in Business Planning & Forecasting (Kindle Store)
- #693 in Business Planning & Forecasting (Books)
- #1,707 in Creativity Self-Help
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Thank you for visiting my Amazon Author page.
While I began my writing apprenticeship a decade ago publishing non-fiction, I'm now devoting my time to writing fiction.
My debut novel, THE MAKING OF HER, is a page-turning mother-daughter love story set over three decades, from the 1960s to the 1990s. It charts one woman’s journey to claim her agency and escape the legacy of the society that shaped her.
THE MAKING OF HER was chosen as a New York Post Best Book of The Year in 2022. My second novel, EVERY SHADE OF LOVE, an unconventional Irish love story, was published in 2025.
I'm grateful to every single reader who has read and reviewed my books and taken the characters to their hearts.
Bernadette Jiwa is an Irish Australian writer born into a house with no books and a home full of stories in Dublin. She, her husband and their adult sons are now lucky enough to call Melbourne, Australia, home. She has previously published nine best-selling non-fiction titles. THE MAKING OF HER was her debut novel, Her second novel EVERY SHADE OF LOVE is available now.
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- Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2024Really pleased with this purchase.
- Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2017Bernadette has done a great job, yet again, in helping to change the way I look at ideas and business. In today's day and age, it seems that businesses are moving in polar opposite directions. One being towards cheaper and faster with less service and the other direction are these organizations that obviously put the customer first and solve problems that they didn't even know they had.
If you are of the opinion that there is enough of a market out there for your special idea as opposed to "I have to have an idea that everyone will love", then this is the book for you.
With real world examples, Bernadette tells how others have been able to take their small idea of solving a handful of customers problems has turned into much more. She then follows it up with actionable steps you can take to build your idea.
- Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2017It's written elsewhere here that there is nothing new in Hunch. I agree.
Then again it's a rare book where someone has taken the concepts of ideas, opportunities, insight, creative process, curiosity, empathy, imagination and design, woven in stories, case studies and guided exercises and produced such a clear and concise treaty on turning common insight into successful products, services or things.
So yes, while we are familiar with the concepts, I argue it's the story, structure and orderly content that prompts fresh learning. Although I will say, I've read thousands of books and I don't quite remember seeing anything like Bernadette's stimulating exercises. With simplicity she leads us through processes that promise to deliver insight.
- Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2017Not well thought out or well written. Has a few interesting points, but the author seems to be working way too hard to try to create a viable 'theme'. I have loved some of her other books, but this one is not worth the time to read.
- Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2017Like the very best business books, this one will get under your skin. The ideas persist, and you'll begin to see the world differently.
It's a fine companion to Difference and Marketing: A Love Story: How to Matter to Your Customers.
My test for recommending a book is how often people come back to me with thanks for the find. With Bernadette's books, it happens a lot.
- Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2019What I really found interesting and useful and the reason I am giving this book 4 star are the prompts that start at the end of the book.
The rest of the content in the book is nothing that interesting but the prompts are worth it!
- Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2017In her new book, Hunch, Bernadette explores this distinction and how to hone your insight and foresight to find opportunities to execute on.
She digs into curiosity and what drives us to notice problems and create solutions. It's amazing what happens when you pay attention to what most people overlook.
As the pace of innovation increases the economy is rewarding those individuals with a hunch to solve problems in new ways (or to solve the new problems in society). Are you preparing yourself?
Bernadette combines great stories and exercises to help you level up and get better at seeing opportunities.
- Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2017Too wordy and boasting with (too) general concepts. Picked examples from popular brands, like Apple and Tesla, to support her point but in narrow views. Overall, this is clearly not for me.
2.0 out of 5 starsToo wordy and boasting with (too) general concepts. Picked examples from popular brands, like Apple and Tesla, to support her point but in narrow views. Overall, this is clearly not for Apple and Tesla
Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2017
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Edson CamaraReviewed in Brazil on July 6, 2017
4.0 out of 5 stars HUNCH: Transforme sua visão cotidiana na próxima grande sacada
HUNCH: Transforme sua visão cotidiana na próxima grande sacada
Como ser humano curioso estou sempre em busca de novidades, quando descobri este livro através de um blog não hesitei em compra-lo em e-book na amazon por queria lê-lo o mais rápido possível.
Traduzindo livremente o título do livro poderia ser mais ou menos: COMICHÃO, Transforme sua visão cotidiana na próxima grande sacada!
A autora Bernadette Jiwa é uma autora reconhecida sobre o papel da história nos negócios, inovação e marketing já escreveu cinco livros sobre marketing e comunicação de marcas.
Neste livro ela nos brinda com ideias e histórias de eventos e pessoas que tiveram sacadas geniais que viraram grandes negócios.
Dentre as centenas de dicas que compõem o livro destaco esta: "Podemos avaliar e melhorar nossas idéias em seis etapas: 1-FOCO: Priorizar o pensamento não preconceituoso. 2-AVISO: Praticar a atenção aos comportamentos, padrões e anomalias. 3-PERGUNTA: Adquirir o hábito de questionar. 4-DISCERNIR: Determinar quais idéias podem valer a pena e dar continuidade.5-PREVISÃO: Transformar reflexões em ação. 6-TENTAR E TESTAR: Obter feedback por meio de testes."
Outra reflexão importante: “Considere quanto tempo dedicamos a interagir nas mídias sociais comparado ao tempo que investimos em criar, pensar, refletir e questionar”.
"Nós não desconectamos do nosso trabalho ou de nosso "plano social ". Dedicamos muitos momentos do nosso dia em buscar, reagir e responder em nossos dispositivos a insumos, Idéias, pensamentos e solicitações de outros. Não conseguimos nem ficar entediados com isso. Nós quase nunca dedicamos tempo a pensar nos nossos próprios pensamentos.
Há menos oportunidades para perceber, questionar ou criar ociosamente. Sem espaço para pensar em problemas. Nós somos uma geração que corre para o Google para verificar se está chovendo e precisamos carregar um guarda-chuva, em vez de ir até a janela, abrir as cortinas e ver por nós mesmos".
O livro vale a pena ser lido, mas só valerá a pena se você dedicar um pouco de tempo a pensar nas reflexões da autora.
O óbvio, antes de ser óbvio é sempre desacreditado, ouvi isso em algum lugar. E para concluir destaco aqui mais uma citação do livro atribuída a Steve Jobs: “Tudo em nossa volta, que chamamos de vida, foi feito por pessoas que não são mais espertas que nós...criatividade é só o ato de conectar os pontos”
É necessário um bom domínio do inglês para aproveitar o livro em sua plenitude.
- DeepikaReviewed in Canada on June 25, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars Lots of wake up calls and strategic ways of thinking
"We are in danger of becoming a generation of plugged-in, look-it-uppers who are more ready to take things at face value and less willing to inquire or explore. More satisfied with proof and less open to discovery. More inclined to consume rather than create. More fearful of uncertainty than open to possibility." ...and there is more of these types of insights and wake up calls in this book. I needed to read this especially at a time where I've decided to take control of my own career.
- Sue HeatheringtonReviewed in the United Kingdom on June 22, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars Simply brilliant
This is the most thoughtful and well developed book from Bernadette Jiwa to date. Not only does it inspire in a truly readable and engaging style, but it gets you moving - practically. I really 'get it' and it has already made a difference to our business and those we work with. Thanks Bernadette for the effort in bringing this to birth!
- Journo Travel CoReviewed in Canada on July 4, 2017
5.0 out of 5 stars Own a business (or make stuff of any kind)? Read this book.
I devoured this book. Full of insight into how the best in their field became the best in their field, and it doesn't have to do with data. Hunch is a must-read for business owners, entrepreneurs, and makers of any kind because you'll undoubtedly be far more ahead in making the change you seek to make.
I'm a huge fan of Bernadette Jiwa, and this one more than lives up to the high standards I've set for her work :)
Hugely recommended.
- Kate HReviewed in the United Kingdom on July 2, 2017
4.0 out of 5 stars Great read!
In a slide away from her core writing and expertise of branding and marketing, Hunch is a thought provoking but easy to digest read. For anyone who enjoyed reading Small Data by Martin Lindstrom or Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, you'll like Bernadette's work.
Jiwa digs into the more personal side of intuition, one that's encouraging of curiosity, questioning and paying attention to the 'why' behind behaviours. If you've read Jiwa's work, you'll know this stems from a point of empathy and giving, of serving and solving, not of being bloody minded or ego driving in a given product path. There are ample examples of business cases, both old and new, where points are made in such a way you'll get them quickly and remember them in context (rare for many business books!), and the reflection sections of the book help to hammer points home.
In essence, what I think Jiwa wants to achieve with this book is to help readers align their energy with their curiosity, their personal commitment to their purpose and learn how to care about the small stuff - the insights and empathy that get us started in the first place as entrepreneurs.
I suggest reading Jiwa's The Fortune Cookie Principle after this. It's one of the best books on branding I've ever read.