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A Tale of Two Bootstrappers. Rob Hunter of Focused Apps & David Kadavy – Love Your Work, Episode 97

October 30 2017 – 07:30am


Ten years ago, I met Rob Hunter (@vegashacker) in a cafe. Well, I met him on Craigslist, really, but then we met in person in a cafe. We had both left our jobs at the same time. We were both determined to make it on our own.

So, we spent several months wandering from cafe to cafe in San Francisco. We’d put in twelve hour days, not making a dime, and it was one of the most exciting times in my life.

Today, I have this podcast, a best-selling book, another book on the way, and I can live wherever I want. Today, Rob is one half of Focused Apps. Their hit iOS games include Hit Tennis, and Emoji Me, which has 40 million downloads. Rob is also location independent.

We both left our jobs at the same time. We both wanted to make it. But as you’ll see in this episode, we had two very different mindsets, different approaches, and different paths.

Listen to this episode to learn:

About HALF of this conversation hit the cuttin-room floor, so if you’re an LYW Elite member, watch out for the uncut episode with bonus material. I focused this episode around our different approaches and paths, but in the bonus material Rob shares his lessons learned from making many, many, apps that didn’t work, as well as a couple that did.

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