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Join the special ‘True Fan’ Patreon tier
I frequently get emails from people who tell me my work is making a difference in their lives. That is a wonderful feeling. It’s an even more wonderful feeling when those people support my work on Patreon. It’s a vote of confidence they want me to keep doing what I’m doing.
Kevin Kelly said if you have 1,000 true fans, each who will pay you $100 a year, you have a sustainable career as a creator.
I like that idea so much, I’m offering a “True Fan” level on Patreon – for a limited time.

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(for a limited time)
For $9 a month – about $100 a year – you’ll get everything you would normally get in the “Creative Entrepreneur” membership tier: Early access to podcast episodes, several masterclasses with guests like Noah Kagan, and audio versions of my monthly income reports – all delivered to your own private RSS feed you can copy and paste into your favorite podcast app. I also do occasional Q&A episodes, or offer special perks on new products.
Plus, you’ll know you’re giving me that vote of confidence to keep doing what I’m doing. You’ll support my consistent work in producing podcast episodes (I’ve just passed #250), Love Mondays newsletters (I just sent #100), and other special projects like 100-Word Writing Habit – while I wait for the next payday from my next book release.
Not everyone is in a position to pay for something they could get for free. If you can’t support my work, nothing will change and you can keep enjoying my free work as long as I can afford to do it from here in South America. But if you can pledge $9 a month, there’s something extra in it for you.
The “True Fan” level is available for an unknown but short amount of time, so please act now to lock in this special price.