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Ultralearning: Scott H. Young – Love Your Work, Episode 199

October 10 2019 – 07:30am

scott h young

Scott H. Young (@scotthyoung) is best known for learning the entire MIT Computer Science curriculum, on his own, in only a year. He did it through “ultralearning”, It’s a way of organizing your learning so each moment you spend learning is much more effective than it would be otherwise.

If you’re like me, you love to learn new things. If you’re like me, you’d also like to learn more in a shorter amount of time. In Ultralearning, Scott shares how to break down learning projects into their component parts, and how to choose the most effective ways of learning each of those individual parts.

In this conversation, you’ll learn about:

You can use ultralearning principles to learn a new language, learn to dance, or to get more bang for your career-building buck.

Thanks for sharing my work!

On Twitter, @martinstellar, @DaveCohencomedy, @kosherjellyfish, @mischievousmali. On Instagram, @alexandbooks_, @icoknick, @nathan.guitar. Elsewhere, thank you to Al Chen for building the todos by mental state Coda template, and Mavericks Thoughts for including me in the article, How 10 Top Writers on Medium Start Their Day.

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Listen to the Scott H. Young Interview

Theme music: Dorena “At Sea”, from the album About Everything And More. By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records. Listen on Spotify »

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