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Scott and “What’s Your Front Porch”
Remember Scott? Renee investigated Scott a little further than I did, and discovered Scott’s blog. There are some great discussions on there about general etiquette. One particular post about the Caller ID Debate is thought and comment provoking.
I think prescriptive, laundry list, advice like this can be dangerous, however. It sort of reminds me of reading an article on “How to Get Laid” in “Maxim” or “Playboy”: -furrow your brow and try to look sensitive – act like you are listening -say “I understand” alot. The thing is that the advice Scott gives are things a considerate person would do, and following the advice (unless you memorize alot of advice) won’t necessarily make you a considerate person.
But, it all is built upon a logical framework of considerateness, and if one were to read enough of this advice, they may pick up on this logic and apply it to new situations. It seems Scott may be aware of this, though. In his “Caller ID Debate” post, he points out the offending action, and then explains why it is inconsiderate, thus assisting the reader in developing a logical framework of considerateness.

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