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Love Your Work, Episode 57 – How Noah Kagan Manages His Mental Energy

January 19 2017 – 07:30am

Noah Kagan podcast interviewNoah Kagan first appeared on Love Your Work back on episode 41. On that episode, we talked about why discomfort is your compass, and learned that Noah even makes his bed in hotel rooms.


I asked Noah to come back on the show because he had a blog post awhile back that I wanted to ask him about. It’s called “my organization system,” over on his blog,, and he talks pretty in-depth about how he manages his calendar week-to-week.

I’ve been thinking a lot about managing mental energy throughout the week – after all, productivity – especially creative productivity – is more about mind management than it is about time management.

So, listen to this show to hear, in-depth, how Noah optimizes his creative output by managing his mental energy. How does he get into flow? How does he juggle all of the details of running AppSumo and SumoMe? And how does he recharge?

Noah is also joining the world of podcasters with his new show Noah Kagan Presents. Noah interviewed me, and that episode should be debuting in the next few weeks. Go subscribe to Noah Kagan Presents (Android) so you don’t miss it.


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Show Notes

I’m considering not doing show notes. It would save a lot of time in producing Love Your Work. Do you use the show notes? Let me know in the comments, or on Twitter.

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