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My new book: The Heart to Start

The Heart to Start is Here credit
You’ve heard the advice before: Just get started.
If you can follow that advice, you absolutely should. Write your first book. Build your first company. Record your first song.
If you’re anything like me, it’s not so easy. You think about everything that could go wrong. You worry it will be a total failure. You can hear everyone laughing at you.

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Heck, even as I launch this book, I have these same worries.
There is too much unmade art. Too many unwritten novels, too many unsung songs, and too many unfounded companies. That’s why I wrote The Heart to Start.
This book will help you follow that deceptively-simple advice to just get started.
- How do you fool yourself into not starting?
- How do you find the fuel that will keep you going?
- How do you get through the inevitable tough parts of a project?
I talk about all of that and more in The Heart to Start. Get it on Amazon right now. It’s free today.