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Moving to Silicon Valley Part II
I got a pretty late start out of Denver, but arrived safely in Park City, Utah at about 1am Mountain Time. From what part of the drive that was in daylight, I could see that Wyoming is a beautiful state. Red Bull works as a wonderful driving elixir, but it doesn’t cancel out the drowsiness caused by Benadryl. The ragweed pollen count is extremely high in the Salt Lake area, and so even with Claritin, Allegra, Benadryl, and SinusRinse, there is absolutely no air making it through my nostrils.
How does one entertain oneself during such a long trip? I’ve found that PodCasts provide hours of music variety, plus it’s nice to hear another person talking. The ones I like so far are Insomnia Radio, The Tragically Nameless Podcast, and The Bitter Young Professional. I’m hearing some music that I will have to investigate further.
Another thing that has kept me entertained is an excellent collection of songs a good friend of mine put together just for my trip. She should have a Podcast of her own.

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