Subscribe to blog updates via email » Writing, Book Positioning & Marketing Psychology w/ Nir Eyal & David Kadavy – Love Your Work, Episode 49

October 27 2016 – 07:18am

nir-eyal-david-kadavyThis week’s episode is a bit of an experiment. I’ve had Nir Eyal, author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, on the show before. We had a little debate about digital distraction back in episode 21.

Nir and I have both been exploring new book ideas independently, and practicing writing about those ideas, somewhere within that space. I’ve been leaning more into the productivity space, which you’ve heard a lot of on this podcast.

So, we recently had a call where we discussed where we were headed, how we’re testing out new ideas, and how we might position new ideas. We figured, just in case, we’d record the conversation, in case it would make a good podcast episode.

And I think it will make a good episode, especially if you’re an aspiring author who wonders how to home in on the right book idea. We’ll talk about writing for, and why it’s such a powerful tool for testing out new ideas. I’ll get very specific about my process for analyzing ideas I write on Medium, and how I decide what’s worth pursuing further. We’ll also talk about the psychology of book positioning, book marketing, and coming up with titles for books – a bit of an extension of the book marketing conversation I had with Tucker Max on episode 29.


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