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Love Your Work, Episode 43 – Stop Giving a F*ck? Mark Manson

September 15 2016 – 07:13am

Mark Manson InterviewMark Manson is known for writing personal development advice that doesn’t suck. He writes at, which has more than 2 million readers a month. Mark writes about a variety of topics, including happiness, self-knowledge, habits, and relationships.

You’ve probably read Mark’s work before. Big hits include “Fuck Yes or No,” “In Defense of Being Average,” and an article by the same name as his upcoming book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.

I love Mark’s writing because it cuts right through the usual self-help nonsense you read that may make you think that all you need to do is follow your passion and think positively and you’ll somehow magically become successful.

Instead, Mark encourages you to see things as they are, to find comfort in discomfort, and to accept that when you try to have it all, you really end up with very little.

So, this interview is great for anyone ready to face the hard truths in life in pursuit of being the best version of themselves.

In this discussion, you’ll learn:


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