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Lunch at Google
As we approached one of the many buildings on the Google campus, we were immediately addressed by security. We told them who we were there to meet, and they led us through an elaborately landscaped courtyard, where Googlers were outside in the sunshine, enjoying their lunches under the shade of Google branded umbrellas. Occasionally someone would whiz by on a motorized scooter.
When we finally entered the building, we were greeted by the receptionist, who instructed us to type our crucial information into a computer that then printed out a visitor badge for us on a Dymo printer. While we waited for our host to emerge from the depths of Googledom, search terms scrolled by, projected on a pane of glass. They apparently weren’t censored heavily.
We were led by our host past offices decorated with Google-colored chinese lamps, Google-colored bean bag chairs, Google-colored giant rubber exercise balls, Google-colored lava lamps, Google-colored couches, and a coffee room fully-stocked with breakfast foods and complimentary sack lunches laid out in rows of Google-colored sacks. We entered the lunch room and grabbed our lunch trays, each of a different Google color, and filled our plates with Mediterranean, Mexican, and Indian food, cooked by top chefs that are selected through chef cook-offs and “Iron Chef” style competitions. We could eat as much as we wished, Google provides breakfast, lunch, and dinner FREE to its employees (and guests).

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