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Love Your Work T-shirts are here! Get 30% off.
Look how thrilled I am to be wearing the new Love Your Work T-shirt.
Not only is it a constant reminder to keep working to build the life and work I want, not only do all of the Love Your Work listeners I pass on the street high-five me as I walk by*, it’s also a super-soft Bella+Canvas brand tri-blend.

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Want one? You can get it for 30% off.
All members of Love Your Work Elite can get 30% off the LYW T-shirt. But you have to join by October 31st.
Love Your Work Elite, by the way is full of bonus content and masterclasses to complement the Love Your Work podcast.
When you get your T-shirt, be sure to send me a picture!
*I have not yet been randomly high-fived by a listener while walking down the street. Your results may vary.