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Love Your Work, Episode 24 – Save Time & Mental Energy With Mind Management and Perpetual Productivity

May 05 2016 – 07:30am

The most popular question (and answer) from my Quora session was “What tips or hacks have saved you the most time and/or energy in your life?” This answer had more than 24,000 views, and was featured in Inc also has tweeted it a couple of times to their 1.6 million followers.

What ended up coming out was a somewhat cohesive philosophy for full output I’ve devised over the years, and some of the most effective ways of redesigning ones life to fit within that framework.

If you enjoyed this, you might enjoy Mind Management (Not Time Management) and Perptual Productivity.

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Pavlok is the shocking wristband I used to quit my Facebook habit. I interviewed its creator, Maneesh Sethi, previously on the show. Now, you can get $50 off the Pavlok at /pavlok

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