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Love Your Work, Episode 15 – Sail Around The World (While Running a Business, With Three Kids) w/ Paul Bennett of Context Travel

March 10 2016 – 08:00am

paul-bennett-contextPaul Bennett ran his business while sailing around the world with his whole family. He’s CEO and co-founder of Context Travel. Context Travel organizes high-quality tours around the world, given by historians, authors, and PhDs. I took a Context tour myself when I was at The Acropolis in Athens a few months back, and it was orders of magnitude better than any large group tour I’ve been on.I met Paul through a friend recently, and instantly felt he was exactly the type of person I’d want to have on my podcast, were I to ever have one.

In this conversations, you’ll find lots of lessons about overcoming your fears, and turning nebulous dreams into actionable steps. Chances are there are some dreams you have that aren’t nearly as crazy as sailing around the world while running a business, and you may find some parallels there. We also wax about some of the benefits of travel (corollaries to this can be find in the “mini lives” mini episode that I did awhile back.)

If you’ve been wondering: should you make your bed?, Paul shares his philosophy.

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