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Learn design in 2014: 12 weeks of “Design for Hackers,” for free
The trouble with resolutions is you can’t keep them.
Maybe you think you’ll exercise more this year. So, you join a gym, and you might even come up with a workout plan.
But it’s damn hard to keep yourself motivated, and eventually you stop going. Maybe you’ll skip a day because you’re tired. “I’ll do it tomorrow,” you say to yourself.

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Then “tomorrow” comes, and you say “I’ll do it tomorrow,” and now you’ve cheated yourself so much, it doesn’t really matter. Everything else in life takes over.
Get your design abs ripped
Design is hotter than ever, and more people are trying to learn design than ever before. But just like getting your abs ripped, learning about typography, and alignment, and colors takes commitment.
If you’re someone who has been trying to learn design, you may have bought my book, Design for Hackers, but the trouble with a book is that it’s entirely up to you to actually pick it up and make some tea, and sit down and read it, even though you’re busy.
What you need is a “commitment device,” which is basically something that commits you to doing something you mean to do. Your “present you” uses it to keep your “future you” on task.
Your free design coach
I’ve created a 12-week email course to do just that for you. It’ll be a good kickstart to make 2014 your year of learning design.
Each week is based upon a chapter of my book, Design for Hackers. You’ll learn about choosing and pairing fonts, using the grid to create a clear hierarchy, or what colors convey what meanings. The emails are packed with interactive quizzes and polls.
So, when your “future you” is lost in a sea of YouTube compilations of Segway accidents, your “past you” (currently “present you”) will be like “HEY! Time to learn some design! (Also, that is a funny video)”
Then an email from me (that your “past you currently present you” wisely signed up for) will show up in your inbox. It’s like a free personal trainer to keep your design butt in gear.
I’ve offered a similar course in the past as “Summer of Design” and “DesignTrain” available to limited groups of people, but now, enrollment is completely open, and is still completely free.
Once the course is over, you’ll still get emails from me about design, all year long. I explain design like it’s my job, because it is. I quit my lucrative freelance career to dedicate myself to teaching you about design, and spend hundreds of dollars a month just to send you these free emails.
So, do “future you” a favor and sign up right down here.
To learn more about the curriculum, check it out here.
Once you’ve signed up, help create a world full of totally ripped design abs with a retweet.
Make 2014 your year to learn design. 12 weeks of design learning, right in your inbox. Start today: (oh, & it’s free)
— ? David Kadavy (@kadavy) January 1, 2014