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As I promised so long ago, I have redesigned With the exception of the masthead I’m still going ornament-free (after all of the effort it took to get the Dundee Theater to put my name on the marquee, I wasn’t about to omit that picture), but the typography has been tweaked quite a bit. I’ve also added my portfolio, inspired by Stopdesign’s Movable Type managed portfolio. With some ingenuity, and some modest PHP skills, one can manage all sorts of content. Douglas Bowman (stopdesign) posted a tutorial on making a portfolio with Movable Type, but maybe someday I’ll write a post covering some of the things he left out. Using the Movable Type content management system will make it easy for me to keep my portfolio updated. Other new features are…
- My “Greatest Hits” will direct newcomers to some of my most popular posts. They aren’t necessarily the ones with the highest number of hits, It’s more of a judgement call.
- Thanks to AJ Kandy, I had the idea to put those annoyingly long archive lists in drop-down menus (duh!).
- If you are one of my linked-to, don’t worry that I don’t have links on the home page anymore – they are everywhere else on the blog portion of my site and that gets more traffic than the home page. I have tried to be pretty selective in the sites I link to, and only chose some with some sort of personal relevance, rather than pick some site just because it’s popular (sorry kottke and all of you other obligatory blogroll staples).
- You’ll see I’ve also included a couple of samples from my portfolio and some of my latest posts from Be A Design Group on my home page.
- I dropped the current books and music for now. They are too much of a hassle to keep updated, and who of you really cares anyway?
- As usual, I have omitted the Movable Type Calendar, because it is useless and a waste of space.
- I still have AdSense ads within my blog, though it seems a limited number of ads show up on each page. I have made about $1 a month since I started using it eight months ago. I hope that improves
- My code isn’t perfect and probably doesn’t validate. Give me a break, I’ve come a long way in the last year. I’m also hiding the CSS from some older browsers. If Ethan Marcotte doesn’t want to deal with it, I certainly shouldn’t bother.
- Following great advice from Joe Schmidt, I have added links at the end of each post to enable you to easily post them to, and a link at the bottom of the page to make it easy to post to If you aren’t familiar with yet, don’t get involved, it’s too addictive; but if you really want to know, you can go to and find out.
You may notice a sort of “campaign” emerging, starting with the new tagline: “Get to Know David Kadavy.” Stay tuned and I hope you enjoy.

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