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Love Your Work, Episode 27 – Jeff Goins: Listen to Your Life

May 26 2016 – 07:30am

jeff-goinsJeff Goins is the author of The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do.

In The Art of Work, Jeff explains why finding your calling doesn’t always follow the neat storybook path that you expect. You have to listen to your life, engage in painful practice, and build bridges all to let your story emerge.

In this discussion, we talk about how clarity comes with action, what makes practice deliberate practice, and why frequency matters more than quantity.

He’ll also share the most cringe-inducing story of asking someone out I think I’ve ever heard. Don’t worry, there’s a lesson to be learned from it.

If you’ve been wondering: should you make your bed?, Jeff talks about his approach to cleanliness (or lack thereof).


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