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Love Your Work, Episode 53 – James Altucher: Invest in Yourself

November 22 2016 – 05:00am

James Altucher podcast interview

This week, I’m bringing you a James Altucher podcast interview. I assume he doesn’t need an introduction for many of you. But for the rest, James is currently best known for his book, Choose Yourself, which is a National Bestseller, and which USA Today named in the top 12 business books of all time.

You’ve probably heard the popular James Altucher podcast, The James Altucher Show. He’s featured guests such as Tim Ferriss, Dan Ariely, Peter Thiel, Coolio, and Jewel.

Listen to this conversation to learn the hows and whys of investing in yourself, including why buying a house may be a terrible decision for you.

James and I will also talk about our recent experiences with going minimalist. He has a method for getting rid of things that I wish I would have used.

I really wanted to dig into how James has managed to be so prolific in his work. He produces a ton of work, It seems like he rarely doubts any ideas he has.

It seems like it’s always been that way for him. Which doesn’t help much if you’re struggling to be more courageous in your work. If you’re someone, like me, who wasn’t born thinking big, James will share his tips on how to make progress.

As someone who has learned a lot from reading James’s writing, I was also excited to learn more about how he approaches writing. James is going to share some absolute gold on writing that has already helped me make my own writing connect with others.

Also, learn how my former neighbor, Warren Buffett, chose himself. And, if you happen to be a podcaster too, I selfishly asked James how he connects with influential guests, and how he prepares for interviews. Even if you aren’t a podcaster, his answers, of course, could help you connect with influencers, and help you get more out of the books you read.

If you’ve been wondering: should you make your bed?, James shares his philosophy.


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