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Introducing Present a Design to Your Client. Simply.
UPDATE January 25, 2009: Until further notice, all of the links to will be dead, as the code competition we built it for provided sponsored web space that expired.
It used to be, design work was presented in person. A pitch would be made in a board room, explaining the process behind a design, and it would be unveiled before the client. Nowadays, more and more design work is presented remotely, which is great for your flexible schedule, but takes all of the theater out of “selling” your work. E-mail isn’t very professional, PowerPoint and PDFs present version-control issues, and conference calls made over WebEx aren’t asynchronous for the hectic schedules of yourself and your clients. You just need a simple way to present work to your clients, on nice, professional-looking, clickable, web pages. That’s why we built makes presenting a design to your client so simple, you might say it was stupid. You get 4slides: a title slide; an overview slide and an approach slide (each with three bullet points); and a fourth slide that presents your image. Some talented and dedicated Rails developers and I built this over a weekend, and we want you to check it out – and tell us what we can do to make it better.

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