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I Started a DIY MBA Group (& You’re Not Invited)
Remember when I was testing the waters to see if there was interest in a DIYMBA group? Well, there was plenty of interest. Some were more interested than others. Those in the latter group and I started a DIY MBA group. Here’s what it consists of so far:
- Six select members, all of us entrepreneurs in Chicago.
- We read books on our own – based on the challenges we each face as business owners. Sometimes they are from the Personal MBA list, sometimes not.
- We meet for brunch one Saturday a month at a swanky place in The Loop, and invite a business leader from a particular field of expertise to join us each time and talk about their experiences.
- We keep each other updated on what we’re reading, and how it’s helping us with our businesses.
Sorry to say, but you’re not invited. There’s a ton of people we wish we could include in the group – but won’t. Here’s why we’re keeping the group small:
- Having a safe place to share confidential information about our businesses enhances the learning experience. This is really a big one.
- The waitstaff already hates us for putting down 6 credit cards at each brunch. Six is enough.
- In today’s world of bloated invite lists, “maybe” RSVP’s, and no-shows, it’s nice to know who is going to be there each time. We have stronger relationships within the group this way.
That said, I encourage you to start your own DIY MBA group, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you if you do. If you do, we would be very interested to hear how you run your group. Further down the road we can share resources and ideas, and maybe even find a way to join forces.

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Some books/resources I/we have found useful:
- Harvard Business Essentials books. Right now I’m reading Finance For Managers
- The Ten-Day MBA
- Business Models Made Easy. What does that phrase that gets thrown around The Valley so much really mean?
- Harvard Business Review. Way more substance than those mags that are more fashion than they are business.
- John Bain & Company Interview Preparation. “Crack the Case” quizzes that show you how a top consulting firm thinks.
- SCORE Free Small Business Counselors in your area.