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How to Fuck Up Properly: Vote for my SXSW Panel
The SXSW panel picker is live for the 2010 SXSW Interactive conference. This year, I submitted the panel idea, How to Fuck Up Properly, where we’ll explore just how integral failure actually is to success; and how to tell the difference between failure, and lack of follow through. It will be a great panel, and I promise not to fuck it up; but, it can’t happen without your vote. Please vote now!
I already have a couple of amazing panelists in mind:
David Weekly: Had a number of small ventures before building PBwiki (now PBworks), which “had more attention in two weeks than [his] year-and-a-half old project.” More on that in a presentation by him.

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Paul Bragiel: Founded Meetro, a location-based IM client. Then, shut it down and took the lessons learned, and the same team, to then build – a hosted forum solution.
Please provide your input in the comments section of the panel picker. Who else is an expert on fucking up?
When you’re done voting, tweet this:
Find out “How to Fuck Up Properly” in @kadavy’s SXSW panel. Vote for it here:
Other Panels of Interest
Online workteam building and management platform, oDesk is heading up an interesting panel on remote-work best practices, called Kill Your Cubicle.
Online dating tips expert Russ Ruggles plans to explain his theories in a presentation called How to Get a Date Online.
Go vote! Thanks for your support!