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Happy Belated Blogiversary to Me
From a blogging dunce, to a C-list Blogebrity in one year not bad. According to my MovableType control panel, I have 111 posts, and 186 (legit) comments (Joe Schmidt contests that his aggregator shows more than 111 posts). It’s been fun thus far. In the past year I’ve seen strange things, made progress in the things I’ve wanted to learn, and maybe even touched the lives of people I don’t even know.
I am amazed at the response to the blog. My “Greatest Hits” indicates what posts have done pretty well, but I can’t stress enough my surprise at the popularity of the post describing my frightening but benign ailment.
I only told people I saw on a regular basis about my blog, but somehow seemingly everyone I know has run into it at some point in time. It hasn’t yielded any secret admirers, but even though I try to “blog like no one is reading,” knowing that people are reading makes it even more fun. Thanks every one of you for reading, and thank you to my sponsors.

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