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Secure Your Digital Life in 2019: Chris Wilken of Let’s Fix Security – Love Your Work, Episode 159
Chris Wilken (@whereswilken) is founder and CEO of Let’s Fix Security. He takes a behavioral approach to thinking about security, trying to make good security practices easy to implement. As a small business owner and a person in general, I’ve been thinking more and more about how to stay secure online.

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As soon as you start trying to think about how to stay secure online, you start to feel overwhelmed. It’s hard to think up new passwords that are tough to hack, and it’s even harder to keep them all straight. The two-factor authentication that more and more services are starting to require is annoying.
I have limited resources as a solopreneur. Any unexpected interruption or loss of data means I’m not working on the things I want to be working on. Yet I also don’t have the resources to have a full-time security expert to keep things buttoned up. It’s probably the same for you. So this episode is for you.
In this episode, we’ll talk about:
- Are you a target? You don’t have to be high-profile to be a victim of a security breach. Find out why everyone is vulnerable.
- How can good habits make security easy? We often put off thinking about digital security because it can be overwhelming. Throughout this whole conversation we’ll be talking about how to reduce overwhelm so you can take action.
- Learn what the four “buckets” of security are. We’ll be talking about how to prioritize your security concerns, again so you can take action. Make sure your most important stuff is secure.
One thing I wanted to mention. I talk in this conversation about canisters for securing cryptocurrency paper wallets. I researched further, and it turns out that’s not what they’re called, so if you search, you’ll have trouble finding them.
They’re actually intended to be “pill cases,” (affiliate link). They are still very handy for keeping paper-based two-factor authentication numbers – especially if you’re nomadic or traveling.
The password manager that Chris recommends is 1Password (affiliate link).
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Theme music: Dorena “At Sea”, from the album About Everything And More. By Arrangement with Deep Elm Records. Listen on Spotify »