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“Design for Hackers” available on Kindle
As I was writing Design for Hackers, I didn’t think the Kindle version would really be worthwhile. So, naturally, I didn’t even think about it as I announced that Design for Hackers was available on Amazon.
Additionally, I didn’t even think to notice that it wasn’t yet available on Kindle. My publisher had shipped the epub to Amazon in August, after all.
But, many of you have asked about the Kindle version, and – thanks to giving Amazon a nudge – now it’s here. I went ahead and bought a copy myself just a couple of hours ago, and I’m very pleasantly surprised. The words are right there for reading (and there are LOTS of words in this book), and the illustrations (with the exception, of course, for the color chapters) serve their purpose wonderfully.

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So, if you’ve been waiting for the Kindle version, or wondering if it would be any good – I’d have to say that this book could still be extremely useful this way. You could do the majority of reading on the Kindle itself, and supplement with CloudReader, iPhone, or iPad for color examples. I know how much lugging around extra stuff sucks. You can start reading Design for Hackers in minutes if you wish.
Update on ranking
After doing incredibly well on the Amazon best-seller list, the paper version is still standing strong at #108 overall on Amazon, and just dropped to #2 on the Computers & Internet category. Buying the paper version helps this ranking (and any hopes of a NYTimes ranking), but if you bought the Kindle version instead – I couldn’t say I would mind that at all.
Update on out-of-stock issues
Note that Amazon currently says that Design for Hackers will ship in “10 to 14 days.” From what I’ve been told by my publisher, this isn’t accurate. Amazon is it’s own beast, and unfortunately, we have very little control over what that page says. Amazon just ordered a bunch more books, and will be getting them shortly. However, (and amazingly) all of the first print run has now been sold to vendors (such as Amazon), so Wiley is printing a new batch right now.
Thanks again, so much, for your shocking enthusiasm and support. I can’t even process what is happening right now.
UPDATE: I’ve also been informed that the Kindle version is available in the UK, and in Germany (in English).