Noah Kagan is a close friend of mine who has been one of my secret weapons in my own battle as an entrepreneur. Years ago, when I first started out on my own, and I was wandering from cafe to cafe in San Francisco, working on a Facebook app, Noah Kagan invited me to bring my laptop to his office space. He was building his own Facebook app empire at the time. keep on reading »
Google Calendar has been adding new features lately. You can find time for your goals, and set reminders, for example. I played a very small part in these features, but I learned a lot about my own productivity in the process.
Craig Benzine hit rock bottom when he wasn’t getting any tables at his job as a waiter, and he feared he wouldn’t be able to pay his rent. So, he started making YouTube videos. keep on reading »
We all have habits that we’d like to build. But we usually aim a little too high. If you understand that the building of the habit is in itself something to achieve, then building good habits will be easier. This article originally appeared on Medium. keep on reading »
I was recently on my friend Almog’s new podcast, which is called Unstagnate, and he did such a great job of researching, and teasing out the things I’ve been thinking about a lot lately that I just had to share it with you, which he was kind enough to let me do. keep on reading »
Do you have a big daunting project that you just can’t seem to get started on? Try the “First-Hour” rule. This article originally appeared on Medium. keep on reading »
Dr. Terry Wahls is an inspiring example of turning a struggle into an opportunity, but I was more interested in her area of expertise.
You may have already seen the inspiring TEDx talk of Dr. Terry Wahl’s. She has MS, and was confined to a wheelchair for 4 years. But, using her knowledge of biology, Dr. Terry engineered a diet based upon paleo and ketogenic principles to feed the power centers of her cells. Now, she rides her bike to work, and is out of the wheelchair. keep on reading »
Whenever I’m searching for a recipe, I tend to search for the food item, then “simplyrecipes,” and I always find something healthy and delicious, with clear instructions and beautiful photos, all posted by our guest today, Elise Bauer. keep on reading »
A/B testing is a really hot topic in entrepreneurship. Fortunately, I think people have started to come to their senses with it. It’s not that it doesn’t work if you really know what you’re doing, but it can really lead you astray when you are early on in a project. keep on reading »