David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

The net appears. Vinnie Lauria of Golden Gate Ventures – Love Your Work, Episode 59

February 02, 2017

vinnie-lauriaVinnie Lauria found his calling after backpacking around Asia. He had just sold a company. He had just gotten married. He feared that if he spent a year traveling, he’d run out of money, and he’d run out of momentum. He worried it would be career suicide. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 58 – How I Quadrupled My Creative Productivity

January 26, 2017


We’re well into 2017 now, and I’ve been reflecting on 2016. It was a great year. In fact, I more than quadrupled my creative output. keep on reading »

What I learned about productivity while reinventing Google Calendar

January 23, 2017

You may have noticed that Google Calendar has been adding new features lately. You can find time for your goals, and set reminders, for example.

I played a very small part in these features, but I learned a lot about my own productivity in the process.

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Love Your Work, Episode 57 – How Noah Kagan Manages His Mental Energy

January 19, 2017

Noah Kagan podcast interviewNoah Kagan first appeared on Love Your Work back on episode 41. On that episode, we talked about why discomfort is your compass, and learned that Noah even makes his bed in hotel rooms. keep on reading »

See you next year. Here’s why. – Love Your Work, Episode 56

December 14, 2016

Over the past year, pretty much every week, I’ve released a new episode of Love Your Work. This will be my last episode this year. I’ll be taking a break for a few weeks. keep on reading »

Make Your Bed, Change THE WORLD!? – Love Your Work, Episode 55

December 06, 2016

Should you make your bed? There’s this sort of productivity meme going around that you should make your bed. That if you want to build good habits, making your bed is one of them. But, isn’t making your bed kind of a waste?

And isn’t making your bed especially wasteful if you’re busy?

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Love Your Work, Episode 54 – 8 Things I Wish I Had Known About Building Online Courses

December 01, 2016

One of the best ways to impact others, while making money, is through building online courses. And, if you’re considering writing a book, developing an online course is a great way to validate your idea, and see if your advice works. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 53 – James Altucher: Invest in Yourself

November 22, 2016

James Altucher podcast interview

This week, I’m bringing you a James Altucher podcast interview. I assume he doesn’t need an introduction for many of you. But for the rest, James is currently best known for his book, Choose Yourself, which is a National Bestseller, and which USA Today named in the top 12 business books of all time.
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Love Your Work, Episode 52 – My $40,000 DIY MBA

November 17, 2016

One of the more subtle underlying themes of this show is that you should invest in yourself. There’s a lot of noise out there you’ll hear from others who want you to spend your money in ways that will benefit them. Ultimately, you have to be mindful in your decisions so that you’re sure you’re really investing in yourself. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 51 – Dan Ariely: Self-Motivation Through Behavioral Economics & Psychology

November 10, 2016

dan_ariely_-_poptech_2010_-_camden_maineDan Ariely is a researcher on the forefront of behavioral science. He specializes in understanding irrational behavior, for example, why do people take less candy if you give it out for free, than if you charge a penny for all the candy you want? keep on reading »

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