David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Ryan Hoover of ProductHunt: Start with community – Love Your Work, Episode 67

March 30, 2017

ryan-hooverRyan Hoover loves software products. He wanted to share new software products with other people who love software products. keep on reading »

Why I didn’t join a podcast network

March 28, 2017

If you enjoy the sensation of being punched in the stomach repeatedly, start a podcast. You put in a dozen hours to produce an hour of audio (or several weeks to produce twenty minutes), and you’ll probably never know if you did a good job. So, when you get a chance to join a podcast network, it’s very enticing. They’ll promote your show, they’ll sell your ad space, and you can concentrate on making a better show. keep on reading »

Read more books by hijacking your habits – Love Your Work, Episode 66

March 23, 2017


Learn how to hijack habits you don’t want, and replace them with habits you do want. keep on reading »

Getting writing done. Joanna Wiebe of Copyhackers & Airstory – Love Your Work, Episode 65

March 16, 2017

joanna-wiebeOne day, Joanna Wiebe was hanging out on a web forum, helping a few startup founders with their copy. The next thing she knew, she had an inbox filled with requests for her help. keep on reading »

Write first. Coffee later. – Love Your Work, Episode 64

March 09, 2017

How do you feel first thing in the morning? If you’re human, you’re probably at least a little bit groggy. You aren’t thinking straight, you can’t focus. You’re a wasted morning just waiting to happen. keep on reading »

Make your dreams reality. Peter Bragiel of In Transit TV – Love Your Work, Episode 63

March 02, 2017

peter bragiel of intransit tv canoes the mississippiPeter Bragiel wanted his own travel show. So, he got a camera and started traveling. At first, not much happened. He just kept stowing the tapes away in a box. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 62 – My Top Rejections

February 23, 2017

Rejection hurts. Sometimes it hurts a little more than other times, but it still does hurt. But, rejection is a part of life. If you never get rejected, you’re not really trying. keep on reading »

Ignore Everybody. Hugh MacLeod of Gaping Void – Love Your Work, Episode 61

February 16, 2017

i-love-this-and-its-terrifyingToday’s guest is a hero of mine, who helped me find my own path. It was 2004, I was sitting in a gray cubicle in Nebraska. And I discovered a PDF on the Internet called “How to be creative.” I read it, and it was one of the most moving and inspiring things I had ever read. keep on reading »

ConvertKit vs ActiveCampaign

February 15, 2017

Choosing the right email marketing platform is critical if you’re running an online business. There’s nothing I spend more money on in my business than sending emails. (There’s also nothing that makes me more money than sending emails.) So I thought I’d do a review comparing ConvertKit vs ActiveCampaign. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 60 – How Practical Minimalism Helps Me Focus

February 09, 2017

bolivia-692955_1280I’ve talked on the podcast about minimalism with Craig Benzine on episode 39, and with James Altucher on episode 53. I’m not an extreme minimalist. I don’t count the number of things that I own, trying to keep the number down. I consider myself to be a practical minimalist. I have just enough things to improve my focus, but I don’t have so many things that it hurts my focus. keep on reading »

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