In Ten Years, Will You be Glad? – Love Your Work, Episode 94
I recently passed my tenth year as a self-employed independent creator. I don’t recommend it.
David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.
I recently passed my tenth year as a self-employed independent creator. I don’t recommend it.
Jon Bokenkamp (@jonbokenkamp) wanted to be a screenwriter. So, he decided it was his job. He sat at his desk from nine to five every day, writing frantically, and each night he went to another job. One that paid him. He waited tables.
I’m working on a new book. It’s called Getting Art Done, and it’s going to help you boost your creative productivity and make your masterpiece.
James Pearse Connelly (@jpconnelly, Instagram: @jpconnelly) is an Emmy-Award-winning television set designer. He’s designed sets for shows like Bill Nye Saves the World, Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Dinner Party, The Voice, and Top Chef.
I’ve been working on a new book called Getting Art Done. Today, I’m going to share with you a chapter from the first draft of the book.
L. David Marquet (@ldavidmarquet) had spent a year preparing to captain a submarine in the U.S. Navy. But at the last minute, he was assigned to a different submarine.
Love Your Work listener Gustav Dybeck is a design student from Sweden. He has an opportunity to do an internship for about 9 months, and he wants to make the most of it before he starts his career.
Daniel J. Wilson was working on a screenplay when I met him during a mini life in Buenos Aires several years ago. I’d soon learn that he was also an accomplished artist, with his work covered in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The London Times, and displayed all over the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York. keep on reading »
If you’re a podcaster, you probably want more listeners. You keep working steadily, and your downloads keep growing steadily. You keep hoping for your “big break,” and you think getting your podcast featured on the front page of iTunes (or Apple Podcasts) is your best bets. keep on reading »
It’s easier than ever for creators to get their work noticed. But, it’s harder than ever to actually get that work done. keep on reading »