David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

A writer’s guide to making money on the STEEM blockchain – for beginners

January 30, 2018

[UPDATE: June 4, 2018] Due to popular demand, this blog post – slightly updated and expanded – is now available in book form! You can find it on Amazon in Kindle, paperback, and Audible formats. In fact, you can get the Audible version for free if you’re a new customer.


In today’s media climate of collecting and selling eyeballs with “rage porn” and fake news, there aren’t a lot of ways to make a living doing thoughtful writing. Books are the most honest exchange of money-for-words there could be, but in the months or years between releasing my books, I personally have found myself waiting for a payday. Then, I discovered STEEM, the cryptocurrency that powers the Reddit-like social network, Steemit.
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Making Money on STEEM and Steemit: A Beginner’s Guide to Earning Cryptocurrency on the Blockchain – Love Your Work, Episode 110

January 29, 2018

steem beginners podcast

Something that has been on the top of my mind the past few years is how creators can make an honest living from their work. You heard me talk with Hooked author Nir Eyal back on episode 21 about how technology is fragmenting attention, for example. These economics incentivize creators to be outlandish or even dishonest.

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Listen to The Heart to Start audiobook free on Audible

January 24, 2018

The The Heart to Start audiobook on Audibleaudiobook version of The Heart to Start is now available on Audible! keep on reading »

Die Empty. Todd Henry of The Accidental Creative – Love Your Work, Episode 109

January 22, 2018

toddy henry podcast

Todd Henry (@toddhenry) has written a ton of books. My personal favorite is called Die Empty, and it’s all about finding the urgency to pursue your creative destiny. His newest book is called Herding Tigers, and it’s all about leading creative people so they can do their best work. keep on reading »

Start Your Masterpiece in 2018: Three Easy Ways – Love Your Work, Episode 108

January 15, 2018

2018 get started

We’re in only the second week of 2018. There’s optimism in the air, and you have a fresh well of energy and motivation for making change in your life.

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Build Good Habits: Stanford Behavioral Scientist BJ Fogg – Love Your Work, Episode 107

January 08, 2018

bj fogg podcastBJ Fogg (@bjfogg) is a behavioral scientist at Stanford University. He specializes in “Behavior Design,” which aims to influence people for the better through insights about human behavior. In this podcast episode, BJ breaks down how to build good habits. Listen below, or scroll down for detailed notes.

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Sample Chapter: The Linear Work Distortion – Love Your Work, Episode 106

January 01, 2018

linear work distortion podcast

Many of you have checked out my new book The Heart to Start. I got tired of hearing the advice “just get started,” and I wanted to break it down for people. It shows you how to bust through all of the mental distortions and distractions that stand in the way of you getting started.

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Are You an Old Master, or a Young Genius? David W. Galenson. – Love Your Work, Episode 105

December 25, 2017

david galenson

David W. Galenson is an economics professor at The University of Chicago. He’s also a visiting professor at other schools, such as MIT. David is an unusual economist in that he studies the economics of art.

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Preview My New Book: The Heart to Start – Love Your Work, Episode 104

December 18, 2017

heart to start mockup

Today, I’m very happy to announce that I have a new book out. Have you ever heard the advice “just get started?” Have you ever been left wondering “yeah, but how?” keep on reading »

My new book: The Heart to Start

December 12, 2017

The Heart to Start is Here credit

You’ve heard the advice before: Just get started.

If you can follow that advice, you absolutely should. Write your first book. Build your first company. Record your first song.

If you’re anything like me, it’s not so easy. You think about everything that could go wrong. You worry it will be a total failure. You can hear everyone laughing at you.

Heck, even as I launch this book, I have these same worries.

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