David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

AWeber vs ActiveCampaign

May 15, 2018

aweber review logoYou’re choosing your email marketing platform, and you’re considering AWeber. In this AWeber review, I’ll help you decide if AWeber is right for you and your business. I’ll also compare AWeber with some alternative email marketing platforms, specifically, I’ll compare AWeber vs ActiveCampaign, ConvertKit, and MailChimp. keep on reading »

“Education” Is a Waste?! Bryan Caplan, Author of “The Case Against Education” – Love Your Work, Episode 125

May 14, 2018

bryan caplan interview

Is the educational system a waste of time and money? Most people can agree that schools are inefficient, boring, and expensive. I personally love learning, but I always hated school.

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Why Did it Take So Long for “Time Management” to Be Invented? – Love Your Work, Episode 124

May 07, 2018

time management invention podcast

As humanity progresses, we’re always finding new resources to optimize. Time is one resource we optimize. But the idea of time management has become so ubiquitous, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like to not manage our time.

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Do It For You. Drew Ackerman of the Sleep With Me Podcast – Love Your Work, Episode 123

April 30, 2018

drew ackerman interview

Drew Ackerman (@dearestscooter) has a podcast so boring, it will put you to sleep. That’s why it’s so successful.

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Writing a Book? 3 Things Nobody Told You – Love Your Work, Episode 122

April 23, 2018

three things book writing

I’ve written a couple of books now, and the process is nothing at all like I expected it would be. I think misconceptions about how to write a book prevent many people from writing their books. Just imagine all of the unwritten books that are locked up inside of people around the world because of these misconceptions.

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March 2018 Income Report

April 20, 2018

After a “scarily bad” month in February, March was the best month I’ve had since I started reporting revenues at the beginning of the year: $9,910.71 of revenue. It might seem premature to call anything a “best month” three months into reporting, but it was also my best month in awhile. keep on reading »

Charlie Hoehn: Curing Anxiety Through Work/Life Integration – Love Your Work, Episode 121

April 12, 2018

charlie hoehn podcast

Charlie Hoehn (@charliehoehn) was on top of the world. He was working with popular authors like Tim Ferriss and Ramit Sethi, and he was helping launch books to the top of the New York Times best-seller list.

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Read “Free Range” Words – Love Your Work, Episode 120

April 09, 2018

free range words

I’ve talked on the show many times about how creative work gets paid for. The “free” mentality forces the hand of creators, and it’s often not healthy for the people who read their words. Reading everything for free is like eating every meal at McDonald’s.

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No Ego: Cy Wakeman on Eliminating “Emotional Waste” – Love Your Work, Episode 119

April 02, 2018

cy wakeman podcast

Cy Wakeman (@cywakeman) is the founder of Reality Based Leadership. She wrote a book called No Ego.

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Take Your Own Advice – Love Your Work, Episode 118

March 26, 2018

take your own advice podcast

Today’s essay is about the power of taking your own advice. I’ve got an interview coming up next week with Cy Wakeman (@cywakeman). Cy is the founder of “Reality Based Leadership.” She wrote a book called No Ego, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Today’s essay is based upon a quote from that book.

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