David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Book Giveaway: “The War of Art” and “The Heart to Start”

June 25, 2018

War of Art GiveawayIs this the summer you’ll finally achieve your creative destiny?

Do you daydream about writing a book? Recording an album? Starting a company? What stands in your way?

Sometimes we’re our own biggest obstacle. keep on reading »

Build Your Morning Routine. Benjamin Spall, Author of “My Morning Routine”– Love Your Work, Episode 131

June 25, 2018

morning routines podcast

Benjamin Spall is co-author of the new book, My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired. He and his co-author have interviewed 300 successful people from business, fitness, and the arts. People like Biz Stone, Arianna Huffington, General Stanley McCrystal, and Marie Kondo.

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May 2018 Income Report

June 20, 2018

May revenues were $2,302.81, down from April’s $4,023.66. Profits were only $1,324.23, down from April’s $2,707.36. keep on reading »

How to Prioritize? Listen to Your Body.– Love Your Work, Episode 130

June 18, 2018

listen body podcast

Clear prioritization inspires clear action. But how do you decide what’s the most important todo item to tackle first? For me, I like to listen to my body.

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Shane Snow: Turn Conflicts into Great Ideas – Love Your Work, Episode 129

June 11, 2018

You’ve heard about the importance of working with people who come from different perspectives. But will that automatically lead to great work?

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New Book: Make Money Writing on the STEEM Blockchain

June 05, 2018

Since beginning to write on the STEEM blockchain eighteen months ago, I’ve cashed out over $4,000 US for my writing. The most amazing part is: Nobody had to pay a cent to read what I wrote. keep on reading »

What Seneca Said About Facebook – Love Your Work, Episode 128

June 04, 2018

seneca facebook podcast

If you’ve heard about stoic philosophy, you’ve heard about Seneca. Stoicism is in many ways about being indifferent to pleasure or pain. One thing that’s pleasurable is getting free things. Free things like Facebook.

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April 2018 Income Report

May 30, 2018

March was the highest-revenue month in two and a half years, February was “scarily bad,” but April was sort of in-between. I made $4,023.66, with $2,707.36. But I had the anomaly of a $1,147.00 accounting bill related to tax time, so actual profit was a bit higher. keep on reading »

Art Is Hard. Tim Kasher, Rock Star/Filmmaker of Cursive, The Good Life, & No Resolution – Love Your Work, Episode 127

May 28, 2018

tim kasher podcast interview

Tim Kasher’s (@timkasher) work is deeply embedded in my creative DNA. When I was a young 20-something sitting in a cubicle in Omaha, Nebraska, Tim’s work and his success was there to inspire me to find my own creative voice.

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Productivity is Limited. Creativity is Infinite. – Love Your Work, Episode 126

May 21, 2018

creativity infinite podcast

Human productivity has its limits. You can only type so fast. You can only fill out a spreadsheet so fast. But creativity is infinite. It takes no time to have an idea, but not all ideas are created equal.

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