David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Jason Fried: It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work – Love Your Work, Episode 147

October 11, 2018

jason fried podcast 2You hear it all of the time. Maybe you even say it yourself: It’s “crazy” at work. There are unrealistic deadlines, demanding bosses, and wall-to-wall meetings.

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Reverse-Engineering “Black Swan” Marketing Growth – Love Your Work, Episode 146

October 04, 2018

black swan marketing podcast

When you’re marketing your business, it’s easy to gravitate toward sure bets. Things you can do and be assured of a positive outcome. But these sure bets can cause you to miss out on asymmetric opportunities: Things that take a small amount of investment, with a small chance of a very big upside.

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Tynan: The Asymmetry of the Insane – Love Your Work, Episode 145

September 27, 2018

tynan podcast

Sometimes an idea pops into your head, and you think to yourself, “nah, that’s insane!” Then you move on with living your regular life.

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Walk Through Fire. – Love Your Work, Episode 144

September 24, 2018

walk through fire

What does it really take to “make it” as a creative entrepreneur? I often have people asking me for ideas on strategies for how to smoothly transition from their day jobs to making their art for a living.

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Double Down or Shut Down? Nathan Barry of ConvertKit – Love Your Work, Episode 143

September 17, 2018

nathan barry podcast

Nathan Barry (@nathanbarry) knows better than anyone: Sometimes, you’re working hard on something, and it’s just not happening. How do you decide whether to double down, or shut down?

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August 2018 Income Report

September 14, 2018

August’s revenues were $6,491.13, down from July’s $6,873.42. Profits were $2,348.70, down from July’s $3,458.77. keep on reading »

Aspiration Procrastination, Self-Discrepancy Theory, & How to Take Action on Your Dreams – Love Your Work, Episode 142

September 10, 2018

aspiration procrastination

It’s no surprise that we procrastinate on things that we don’t want to do. But why do we procrastinate on things we do want to do?: Our hopes, dreams, and aspirations.

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Stone Temple Pilots’ Manager: Blockchain Will Reinvent the Music Industry. Steve Stewart of Vezt. – Love Your Work, Episode 141

September 03, 2018

Steve Stewart was manager of the band Stone Temple Pilots. He guided them from being an unknown funk band to a multi-platinum powerhouse whose sound is synonymous with 90’s grunge. With Steve by STP’s side, they sold over 25 million records, for nearly half a billion dollars in sales.

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Grow your passion. Don’t “find” it. – Love Your Work, Episode 140

August 27, 2018

dont find your passion

You’ve heard the advice to find your passion. You’ve probably also heard the advice that finding your passion is bad advice.

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What is Brave Browser? Jonathan Sampson of Brave. – Love Your Work, Episode 139

August 20, 2018

why brave browserJust when you think the browser wars are over, you hear everyone talking about yet another browser. So, what is Brave browser? After settling into whatever your browser of preference is – most likely Chrome, according to the latest stats – why bother switching to Brave? keep on reading »

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