David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Tyler Cowen: Be Dynamic – Love Your Work, Episode 155

December 06, 2018

tyler cowen interview

When your life gets too comfortable, you stop taking risks. Loss aversion takes hold and you become complacent. You stop innovating. You stop being dynamic. By the time you realize you’ve become irrelevant, it’s already too late to change.

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Eight Stoic Mantras for Creators – Love Your Work, Episode 154

November 29, 2018

eight stoic mantras creators

We’re wired to seek pleasure, and avoid pain. But to make it as a creator, you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Many things that feel good about creating can hold you back, while many things that feel bad are powerful fuel.

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Your Mess Is Your Message. Amber Rae on Choosing Wonder Over Worry. – Love Your Work, Episode 153

November 22, 2018

amber rae podcast

Amber Rae (@heyamberrae] was on the wrong path. She was swept up in the hype of the Silicon Valley startup scene. She was working too many hours on too many projects. She pushed herself so hard, she drove herself into anxiety, addiction, and eventually triggered a seizure.

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October 2018 Income Report

November 15, 2018

October’s revenues were $6,690.83, down from September’s $7,400.23. Profits were $2,057.92, down from September’s $5,189.48.
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Creative Hygiene – Love Your Work, Episode 152

November 15, 2018

creative hygiene

One thing I’ve discovered in talking to many of my guests is that your creative voice doesn’t magically appear in your mind. You have to put in the work, and then your voice emerges from that work.

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Mind Mastery Through Neurofeedback. Ariel Garten of Muse. – Love Your Work, Episode 151

November 08, 2018

ariel garten podcastAriel Garten (@ariel_garten) envisions a world where we can control computers with our minds. She’s on the cutting edge of computer and brain interfaces with her creation, the Muse headband.

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Stop Organizing by Project. Start Organizing by Mental State. – Love Your Work, Episode 150

November 01, 2018

mental state not todos

Productivity is about mind management, not time management. I’ve been thinking about how this applies to managing your tasks on a day-to-day basis.

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Reclaim Creativity: Srini Rao of The Unmistakable Creative on “Creating for An Audience of One” – Love Your Work, Episode 149

October 25, 2018

Srini Rao (@unmistakableCEO) is host of the Unmistakable Creative podcast, and author of the new book, Audience of One: Reclaiming Creativity for Its Own Sake. In Audience of One, Srini gives you the tools and encouragement you need to stop focusing on external validation, and to reconnect with your creative spark.

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Prompt Talking: One Simple Trick for Irresistible Communication – Love Your Work, Episode 148

October 18, 2018

prompt talking podcast

There’s something I’ve noticed that very successful communicators do. It’s a very simple tactic, but it can go a long way in making everything you say or write more engaging, more memorable, and more effective.

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September 2018 Income Report

October 16, 2018

September’s revenues were $7,400.23, up from August’s $6,491.13. Profits were $5,189.48, up from August’s $2,348.70. keep on reading »

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