David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Introducing Summer of Starting

May 10, 2019

Have you been putting off a creative dream? Maybe it’s a novel or an album or a business.

Or maybe you have this burning feeling that you have something to offer the world, but you aren’t yet sure what it is.

I’m launching a new email course. Summer of Starting is a series of journal prompts designed to help you stop procrastinating, and start creating. keep on reading »

Seth Godin: Who Is It for? – Love Your Work, Episode 177

May 09, 2019

seth godin podcast 2How do you market something when you don’t know what it is, or who it’s for? If you’re anything like me, you feel driven to create, but it’s only through the process of creation that your vision takes form. It’s only through putting that creation out into the world that you begin to realize what it means.

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Minimum Creative Dose – Love Your Work, Episode 176

May 02, 2019

minimum creative dose podcast

Big creative projects are daunting. It’s easy to burn out, and procrastinate. The problem is, creative problems don’t get solved in one go.

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Vincent Van Gogh’s Triumph Over Adversity – Steven Naifeh, Co-Author of Van Gogh: The Life – Love Your Work, Episode 175

April 25, 2019

vincent van gogh podcast

Vincent Van Gogh was a loser and a failure. He failed as an art dealer, and as a preacher. He even got fired and banned from his own family’s business.

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March 2019 Income Report

April 24, 2019

This income report is available in audio for $15+ Patreon backers.

March’s revenues were $10,063.23, up from February’s $5,105.48. Profits were $6,432.08, up from February’s $2,782.83. keep on reading »

Introducing Love Mondays (“Things take time”) – Love Your Work, Episode 174

April 18, 2019

introducing love mondays

Do you want to love Mondays? If you already love Mondays, do you want to keep loving Mondays? I’m launching a new newsletter that will help you do just that.

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Austin Kleon: Keep Going – Love Your Work, Episode 173

April 11, 2019

austin kleon podcast

Austin Kleon (@austinkleon) woke up one day and realized two things: The world seemed to be filled with more and more anger and distraction every day, and – to make matters worse – consistently doing creative work wasn’t getting any easier.

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Change Your Identity, Change Your Actions – Love Your Work, Episode 172

April 04, 2019

identity actions podcastIf you do particular actions on a regular basis, you’ll change your identity. For example, if you make it a habit to write every day, you’ll eventually see yourself as a writer.

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David Allen’s Accidental Legacy – Love Your Work, Episode 171

March 28, 2019

david allens getting things done legacy

David Allen (@gtdguy) has built a legacy. He’s created a system that helps millions of people get more of what they want out of life. Getting Things Done, the book, has sold millions of copies. And there’s an entire cottage industry of GTD apps and consultants, all over the world.

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No, I’m Not Building a Legacy – Love Your Work, Episode 170

March 21, 2019


Lots of people want to build a “legacy.” They want to be remembered when they’re gone.

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