David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Less Pleasure, More Happiness: Dr. Robert Lustig – Love Your Work, Episode 185

July 04, 2019

robert lustig podcast

Dr. Robert Lustig (@RobertLustigMD) is Professor emeritus of Pediatrics, Division of Endocrinology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), where he specializes in the field of neuroendocrinology – in other words, how the brain regulates hormonal activity in the body. His research and clinical practice has focused on childhood obesity and diabetes.

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Strategic Curiosity – Love Your Work, Episode 184

June 27, 2019

strategic curiosity podcast

Curiosity is powerful fuel. If you want to make it as a creative, you need to follow things you’re curious about. It’s your best shot at being able to put in the work necessary to succeed.

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May 2019 Income Report

June 26, 2019

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

May’s revenues were $4,968.21, down from April’s $5,924.06. Profits were $2,812.51, down from April’s $3,330.58. keep on reading »

Cal Newport: More Good Tech. Less Bad Tech. Digital Minimalism. – Love Your Work, Episode 183

June 20, 2019

cal newport podcast interview

We’re living in a time of exciting technological innovation. But just because technology can do something for us, doesn’t mean that it should.

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Stop Loving Your City – Love Your Work, Episode 182

June 13, 2019

stop loving city podcast

If you want to be a master of your craft, you need to be able to see your skills and accomplishments objectively. You need to always be on the lookout for ways you might fool yourself – for ways you might cause yourself to feel as if you have accomplished something, when in fact you have accomplished nothing.

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Feed Your Good Wolf. Eric Zimmer of The One You Feed Podcast on Fighting Heroin Addiction with Creativity. – Love Your Work, Episode 181

June 06, 2019

one you feed podcast eric zimmerEric Zimmer (@etzimmer) was living in a van. He had Hepatitis C and weighed 100 pounds. Then he got arrested and lost his job. He was facing up to forty years in jail time. He had a $300-a-day addiction to heroin.

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Forget Introvert/Extrovert. Are you “Perceiving” or “Judging?” – Love Your Work, Episode 180

May 30, 2019

perceiving judging podcast

I often have listeners write to me, lamenting that they have “too many interests,” or that they “lack focus.” They’ve been taught to feel ashamed of their curiosity.

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April 2019 Income Report

May 24, 2019

This income report is available in audio for $15+ Patreon backers.

April’s revenues were $5,924.06, down from March’s $10,063.23. Profits were $3,330.58, down from March’s $6,432.08. keep on reading »

Appeal to the 99%: Srdja Popovic, Revolutionary & Author of Blueprint for Revolution – Love Your Work, Episode 179

May 23, 2019

srdja popovic

Srdja Popovic (@SrdjaPopovic) is a revolutionary. He played a big part in overthrowing Serbian president Slobodan Miloševi?. He now coaches activists around the world in non-violent resistance techniques, through CANVAS (Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies).

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Do One Thing Every Day That An Algorithm Didn’t Choose For You – Love Your Work, Episode 178

May 16, 2019

anti algorithm podcast

We live in a world rich with information, and algorithms help us find the things that fit us. Algorithms help us decide what books to buy, what music to listen to, and even who to date.

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