David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Best of: See you next year. Here’s why. – Love Your Work, Episode 208

December 12, 2019

see you next year bestof

Here’s an essay from a few years ago. It helps explain why David likes to step back from his work during the final weeks of the year. Puny humans. keep on reading »

November 2019 Income Report

December 09, 2019

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

November’s revenues were $9,308, up from October’s $8,279. Profits were $4,570, up from October’s $1,366. keep on reading »

Best of: In Memory of Sean Stephenson – Love Your Work, Episode 207

December 05, 2019

sean stephenson memoryI decided last December that I would be taking this December off. I like to give myself some space toward the end of the year so I can recharge, and come into the New Year with a fresh perspective. keep on reading »

Book Friday! Don’t buy garbage. Buy books.

November 29, 2019

I’m approaching my two-year anniversary since the launch of my first self-published book. I figure it’s time to celebrate.

For a very short time, I am discounting the crap out of all of my self-published books. As someone who follows my work, I wanted to let you know! keep on reading »

Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs Summary – Love Your Work, Episode 206

November 28, 2019

cell phone emfsIn the 1840’s Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis noticed a pattern. He noticed that too many new mothers were dying of a fever. And it didn’t seem like a coincidence to him that many of these women who were dying shortly after childbirth had something in common. The doctors who delivered their babies had just performed autopsies. keep on reading »

Mark Manson: Finding Hope When Everything is F*cked – Love Your Work, Episode 205

November 21, 2019

mark manson everything fucked

On July 4th of this year, I was finally hitting my stride. After a year of visa troubles, I had secured a three-year visa. I was finally back in the writing rhythm I had been in before my visa troubles started. keep on reading »

October 2019 Income Report

November 15, 2019

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

October’s revenues were $8,278.66, down from September’s $9,161.16. Profits were $1,365.74, down from $3,487.87.

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Don’t Sleep in Your Kitchen. Don’t Meditate With Your Phone. – Love Your Work, Episode 204

November 14, 2019

dont meditate smartphone

You are what you surround yourself with. When your environment changes, your mind changes with it. We recently talked about how your environment can put you in a creative mental state, when we talked to Donald M. Rattner, on episode 201. keep on reading »

Dan Ariely: Gamble With Your Time. Make Amazing Decisions. – Love Your Work, Episode 203

November 07, 2019

dan ariely amazing decisions

Dan Ariely (@danariely) has more opportunities than he knows what to do with. As a James B. Duke professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University and author of New York Times best-selling books, such as Predictably Irrational, he has lots of demands on his time.

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My Income Report (Patreon Preview) – Love Your Work, Episode 202

October 31, 2019

income report patreon previewOver the past four years, I’ve been trying to “make it” as a creator. Yes, I was on my own for another eight years before that, but this past four years has been when I really doubled down on creating. To make the things I create not just a marketing tactic for some other thing. For the creations themselves to be the thing.

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