David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Join the special ‘True Fan’ Patreon tier

March 30, 2021

I frequently get emails from people who tell me my work is making a difference in their lives. That is a wonderful feeling. It’s an even more wonderful feeling when those people support my work on Patreon. It’s a vote of confidence they want me to keep doing what I’m doing. keep on reading »

February 2021 Income Report

March 25, 2021

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

February’s revenues were $5,255, up from January’s $4,772. Profits were $2,208, down from January’s $2,436. Profits are down for the third month in a row. However, I still have the price of Mind Management, Not Time Management set at $14.99, which is likely suppressing sales, and is definitely bringing less profit per sale. So why am I doing that to myself?

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Mind Management, Not Time Management audiobook now on Audible (& others)

March 18, 2021

I just got word that the Mind Management, Not Time Management audiobook is now live on Audible.com. (You can listen free, with a new trial membership). It’s almost five months since the book debuted, so I’m relieved to finally have it live. I’m also excited, because this is no doubt my best audiobook ever. It represents many hours of recording and editing work by myself and my audio team. keep on reading »

Survivorship Bias’s Fatal Flaw – Love Your Work, Episode 251

March 18, 2021

There’s an important bias to avoid: Survivorship bias. Unfortunately, people who might otherwise do something with their lives hide behind survivorship bias. Just as important as knowing when survivorship bias matters is knowing when survivorship bias does not matter. Survivorship bias has a fatal flaw. keep on reading »

My Zettelkasten: An Author’s Digital Slip-Box Method Example (Using Plain-Text Software) – Love Your Work, Episode 250

March 04, 2021

UPDATE May 28, 2021: If you like this post, it inspired a short book I just released. Digital Zettelkasten: Principles, Methods, & Examples is about 4x as long as this blog post, and is now available on Amazon, Audible, direct from me (paperback, audiobook), and everywhere else.

As a nonfiction author, retaining what I read is my job. Through the process of writing three books, I’ve experimented with different ways of reading, remembering what I read, and using that knowledge to develop my own thoughts. I’ll share today my note-taking system. I hope it serves as a good example of a digital “Zettelkasten” or slip box. keep on reading »

33% off the Mind Management, Not Time Management MP3 Audiobook

February 26, 2021

Mind Management, Not Time Management audiobookAfter many grueling hours in the studio, and even more hours put in by my post-production team, the audiobook for Mind Management, Not Time Management is finally ready! keep on reading »

January 2021 Income Report

February 24, 2021

An audio version of this income report is available to Patreon backers of certain levels »

January’s revenues were $4,772, down from December’s $6,090. Profits were $2,436, down from December’s $2,738.

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How to Take Smart Notes Summary – Love Your Work, Episode 249

February 18, 2021

How to take Smart NotesIf you’re a fan of using Getting Things Done to stay on top of all the, well, things you need to get done – you’ll love How to Take Smart Notes for staying on top of all the things you want to learn. I’ll give you an introduction – in my own words – in this How to Take Smart Notes summary. keep on reading »

New email course: 100-Word Writing Habit

February 09, 2021

100 word writing habitOne of the best things I’ve done for myself was start a writing habit. I used to wait for inspiration. Months would pass between blog posts. keep on reading »

Understanding Media (by Marshall McLuhan) Book Summary – Love Your Work, Episode 248

February 04, 2021

understanding media marshall mcluhanYou’ve heard the expression, “The medium is the message.” But what does that really mean? “The medium is the message” is a term coined by Marshall McLuhan in his book, Understanding Media: Extensions of Man. More than fifty years after it was published – in 1964 – Understanding Media reads as if it’s from the future. In this Understanding Media summary, I’ll break down – in my own words – why “The medium is the message,” as well as other key ideas within this, one of the best media studies books. keep on reading »

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