August’s revenues were $9,115, down from July’s $9,891. Profits were $5,459, up from July’s $2,877.
This month isn’t record-breaking in its revenue or profit, but it was strong enough to bring record-breaking revenue and profit, averaged over the long term. keep on reading »
When Vincent van Gogh began his career as an artist, he had already failed at everything else. He even got fired from his own family’s business in the process.
1920s, London. Radclyffe Hall was pacing around her study. She wore close-cropped hair, a tweed skirt, and a man’s silk smoking jacket and tie. Her partner, Uma Troubridge, sat in a nearby chair, reading the writing of Radclyffe – or “John,” as she preferred to be called. But just as Uma’s voice wavered a bit, John grabbed the papers from her hand, and threw them in the fire. keep on reading »
Shiny Object Syndrome is an affliction that causes you to be attracted to “shiny objects.” Shiny objects can be whatever is new and trendy in your field. But oftentimes, the shiny objects are simply new ideas you have – other projects you’d rather be working on. In this form, Shiny Object Syndrome will ruin any chance you have of finishing your current project – unless you do something about it. keep on reading »
If you want to grow an audience online, it’s great to have a consistent newsletter. It keeps you in touch with your subscribers, and it gives you a place to test out small ideas you can later grow into big ideas. I’ve been delivering my Love Mondays newsletter every week for more than 100 weeks (and you can sign up here). Here’s how I streamline and automate the process, so I never miss a week. keep on reading »
TL;DR: Mind Management, Not Time Management is only $1.99 today. Buy it on Amazon Kindle or Apple Books.
Mind Management, Not Time Management is under $2.
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. If you’ve been reading my income reports, you know I’ve been planning to one day offer my latest book, Mind Management, Not Time Management, for only $1.99.
BookBub has finally selected MMT for their exclusive Featured Deal, and will be sending it to a million people tomorrow. Nine months after releasing the book, this is the real “launch.” It has a shot at hitting the Wall Street Journal best-seller list.
It’s a great deal, so buy the book on or anywhere else. If you’d also like to help me shoot my shot at the WSJ list, here’s how you can help: keep on reading »
You hear a lot about morning routines, but nighttime routines are every bit as important. Your parents probably had a bedtime routine for you, and if you have kids you probably have bedtime routines for them. But we need bedtime routines as adults, too. I follow a specific nighttime routine, and it helps me get to sleep faster, and wake up better rested. keep on reading »