August 10, 2017
If you’re a podcaster, you probably want more listeners. You keep working steadily, and your downloads keep growing steadily. You keep hoping for your “big break,” and you think getting your podcast featured on the front page of iTunes (or Apple Podcasts) is your best bets. keep on reading »
April 04, 2017
UPDATE – February 23, 2019: After a break of more than 18 months, I recently ran another Overcast campaign. The numbers this time around weren’t nearly as favorable as I reported in my original report:

I got a great deal on my spot, which I purchased in the lull between Christmas and New Years’. You can see I paid $400. The current rate sheet shows a $1,300 rate for ads in the Business category. Even though I exceeded the estimated 100 new subscribers with this spot, the cost per subscriber was quite high: $2.90 per subscriber – much more than 76¢ per subscriber I reported in the original post. I also ran another ad in May 2017 for which I paid 63¢ per subscriber.
With the current rates and estimates, you would be paying a whopping $13 per subscriber if you ran an Overcast ad in the Business category and succeeded in gaining 100 new subscribers.
That’s an astonishingly-high acquisition cost. You’d better have a robust back-end business model if you’re going to support that spend.
So, for the foreseeable future, I will not be advertising my podcast on Overcast, nor do I recommend anyone else shell out that kind of cash. There is a bubble.
By the way, if you read my income reports, you know that I enjoy earning extra credit card points on my 3x points credit card. Apparently Overcast is not partnered with Chase in this regard. I earned the usual 1x points on my Overcast advertising spend, rather than the 3x I earn for my ads on Amazon, Facebook, or BookBub.
Original post:
Getting new listeners is the most painful part of podcasting. You’ll probably do just about anything to get new listeners for your podcast. keep on reading »
March 28, 2017
If you enjoy the sensation of being punched in the stomach repeatedly, start a podcast. You put in a dozen hours to produce an hour of audio (or several weeks to produce twenty minutes), and you’ll probably never know if you did a good job. So, when you get a chance to join a podcast network, it’s very enticing. They’ll promote your show, they’ll sell your ad space, and you can concentrate on making a better show. keep on reading »