David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

Posts from the Miscellaneous Category

Submit your questions for the Livestream/AMA

April 04, 2023

I’ll be holding a live AMA on May 3rd at 11 a.m. Central Time. Add it to your calendar (the event has the YouTube link).

Feel free to submit your question(s). Some good ones from the previous livestream: keep on reading »

Join the special ‘True Fan’ Patreon tier

March 30, 2021

I frequently get emails from people who tell me my work is making a difference in their lives. That is a wonderful feeling. It’s an even more wonderful feeling when those people support my work on Patreon. It’s a vote of confidence they want me to keep doing what I’m doing. keep on reading »

What Steve Taught Me

October 05, 2011

Just hours after the official announcement, it’s probably not news to you that Steve Jobs has passed away. His family has lost a husband and father; Apple has lost their founder and leader; and we have all lost one of the greatest minds the world has known. I’ve lost one of my heroes. keep on reading »

Flatmate Meetup Chicago is now HeyRoommates

April 05, 2010

The ultimate Chicago roommates finder just got better with a new name, and a new platform. Almost four years ago, I started Flatmate Meetup as I was looking for a place in San Francisco. I found sending literally dozens of e-mails – and getting no response – to be utterly frustrating. Persuaded by a friend, I hopped on Meetup.com, and set up a mixer at a bar. It was an instant hit with all of the attendees. I later went to a housewarming party for a group of roommates that met at that event. keep on reading »

How to Fuck Up Properly: Vote for my SXSW Panel

August 20, 2009

SXSWPanelPicker-lgThe SXSW panel picker is live for the 2010 SXSW Interactive conference. This year, I submitted the panel idea, How to Fuck Up Properly, where we’ll explore just how integral failure actually is to success; and how to tell the difference between failure, and lack of follow through. It will be a great panel, and I promise not to fuck it up; but, it can’t happen without your vote. Please vote now! keep on reading »

Introducing Nom.ms: Tweet What You Eat!

June 16, 2009

nomms_logoInspired by the great pictures of food that people tweet using services such as TwitPic, myself and some friends have collaborated on nom.ms, a photo-sharing site especially for food lovers. With nom.ms, you can Tweet what you eat – and share recipes and restaurant info – simply by sending a photo of some food to [email protected]. And to sign up – well, do the same thing: send a photo of a dish to [email protected]. Once you get your nom.ms account hooked up to your Twitter account (we wouldn’t dream of asking for your Twitter password), we’ll start tweeting the subject line of your e-mail. The body will be used as a description for your nomm. Start nomming some nomms today, and tell your friends so you can nomm nomms with them, too!

Kadavy.net’s 5th Blogiversary!

May 31, 2009

5_yearsI’m overwhelmingly proud to celebrate kadavy.net’s 5th blogiversary today. While this blog certainly hasn’t accomplished as much as many out there in this length of time, starting it was still one of the best “decisions” I ever made. I’m not sure whether to call it a decision, because it was more of an impulse; but I’ve learned over the years that it’s such things that become the most worthwhile. This is a valuable lesson that I wish I would have learned sooner. keep on reading »

Submit your beard designs for #kadavy30

May 09, 2009

Tonight is my 30th birthday party at the Kadavy, Inc. Headquarters in Chicago. I’ll be shaving my beard off, live on ustream, in stages, starting about 8pm CST. keep on reading »

Remember when it was fun?

April 25, 2009

funIsn’t it supposed to be fun? Remember when it was fun? Remember the freshness? The serendipity. The discovery. Enjoyment. Doing and not expecting, not anticipating. Not even hoping. Because you want to. Need to. Can’t help it. Who cares why! Then. Magic. Discovery. Fireworks! Superness!  Who knew!? How is this happening? How can it happen more? Make it happen more. Process. Care. Tweaking. Researching. Repetition. Discipline. Repetition. Goals. Eyeballs. Risk. keep on reading »

Save Kadavy: Facebook Disabled My Account

March 07, 2009

UPDATE: My account is back! Turns out I had test account(s) (as a developer) that weren’t officially “test” accounts by Facebook’s standards. I wish Facebook would have notified me in some manner. They should definitely be more careful with this if they want people to trust them with all of that personal data. This made me think a lot about how much precious “information” (memories) I trust they will keep available to me. Anyway, it is good to be back! Thanks everyone for your support and insights.

save_kadavyFacebook disabled my account, and didn’t tell me why. The other day, as I was trying to comment on a Lifehacker thread using their super-cool Facebook Connect integration, I received this message: keep on reading »

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