David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

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Love Your Work


Love Your Work is the intellectual playground of David Kadavy, bestselling author of three books – including Mind Management, Not Time Management – and former design advisor to Timeful – a Google-acquired productivity app.

Love Your Work is where David shows you how to be productive when creativity matters, get things done and breed Black Swans in your career as a creator. Dig into the archives for insightful conversations with Dan Ariely, David Allen, Seth Godin, James Altucher, and many more.

David is an underrated writer and thinker. In an age of instant publication, he puts time, effort and great thought into the content and work he shares with the world.
—Jeff Goins, bestselling author of Real Artists Don’t Starve

To hear interviews of David, here is a complete list of podcasts he’s been on.

Posts from the Love Your Work Podcast Category

Love Your Work, Episode 39 – Embrace Constraints: WheezyWaiter

August 18, 2016

crai-benzineCraig Benzine hit rock bottom when he wasn’t getting any tables at his job as a waiter, and he feared he wouldn’t be able to pay his rent. So, he started making YouTube videos. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 38 – Build the Habit First

August 11, 2016

We all have habits that we’d like to build. But we usually aim a little too high. If you understand that the building of the habit is in itself something to achieve, then building good habits will be easier. This article originally appeared on Medium.
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Love Your Work, Episode 37 – Harness the Power of Your Productivity Cycles – David Kadavy

August 04, 2016

I was recently on my friend Almog’s new podcast, which is called Unstagnate, and he did such a great job of researching, and teasing out the things I’ve been thinking about a lot lately that I just had to share it with you, which he was kind enough to let me do. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 36 – Follow the “First-Hour” Rule

July 28, 2016

Do you have a big daunting project that you just can’t seem to get started on? Try the “First-Hour” rule. This article originally appeared on Medium. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 35 – Using Fasting & Paleo & Ketogenic Diet Principles to Fight Inflammation – Dr. Terry Wahls

July 21, 2016

Terry-WhalsDr. Terry Wahls is an inspiring example of turning a struggle into an opportunity, but I was more interested in her area of expertise.

You may have already seen the inspiring TEDx talk of Dr. Terry Wahl’s. She has MS, and was confined to a wheelchair for 4 years. But, using her knowledge of biology, Dr. Terry engineered a diet based upon paleo and ketogenic principles to feed the power centers of her cells. Now, she rides her bike to work, and is out of the wheelchair. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 34 – Productivity Hack: Do Nothing

July 14, 2016

This is an article that originally appeared on Medium. It was later picked up by The Atlantic’s Quartz.

Give yourself permission to do nothing once in awhile. You may be surprised how productive it makes you. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 33 – Double Down on Love: SimplyRecipes’ Elise Bauer

July 07, 2016

elise-kitchen-horiz-a-1500Whenever I’m searching for a recipe, I tend to search for the food item, then “simplyrecipes,” and I always find something healthy and delicious, with clear instructions and beautiful photos, all posted by our guest today, Elise Bauer. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 32 – Stop A/B Testing

June 30, 2016

A/B testing is a really hot topic in entrepreneurship. Fortunately, I think people have started to come to their senses with it. It’s not that it doesn’t work if you really know what you’re doing, but it can really lead you astray when you are early on in a project. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 31 – Ryan Holiday: Tame the Enemy Inside

June 23, 2016

RyanHoliday 2Our guest today is Ryan Holiday. Ryan is the author of a new book, Ego is the Enemy. How can your ego hold you back in your aspirations, your successes, and in your failures? Ryan covers it all in his book. keep on reading »

Love Your Work, Episode 30 – Buy a $600 lamp. Read more books.

June 16, 2016

The places you invest your money, and the objects you surround yourself with both have a huge influence on how you spend your time and energy, and buying this $600 lamp helped me read more books.

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