David Kadavy

David Kadavy is author of Mind Management, Not Time Management, The Heart to Start & Design for Hackers.

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Love Your Work


Love Your Work is the intellectual playground of David Kadavy, bestselling author of three books – including Mind Management, Not Time Management – and former design advisor to Timeful – a Google-acquired productivity app.

Love Your Work is where David shows you how to be productive when creativity matters, get things done and breed Black Swans in your career as a creator. Dig into the archives for insightful conversations with Dan Ariely, David Allen, Seth Godin, James Altucher, and many more.

David is an underrated writer and thinker. In an age of instant publication, he puts time, effort and great thought into the content and work he shares with the world.
—Jeff Goins, bestselling author of Real Artists Don’t Starve

To hear interviews of David, here is a complete list of podcasts he’s been on.

Posts from the Love Your Work Podcast Category

Lead minds, not hands. L. David Marquet, author of Turn The Ship Around – Love Your Work, Episode 89

September 04, 2017


L. David Marquet (@ldavidmarquet) had spent a year preparing to captain a submarine in the U.S. Navy. But at the last minute, he was assigned to a different submarine.

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Design Internship advice to a Millennial – Love Your Work, Episode 88

August 28, 2017

design-internship-adviceLove Your Work listener Gustav Dybeck is a design student from Sweden. He has an opportunity to do an internship for about 9 months, and he wants to make the most of it before he starts his career.

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Cab driver, neuroscientist, PBS Frontline producer, conceptual artist, & Minutiae app co-founder, Daniel J. Wilson – Love Your Work, Episode 87

August 17, 2017

daniel-j-wilson-interviewDaniel J. Wilson was working on a screenplay when I met him during a mini life in Buenos Aires several years ago. I’d soon learn that he was also an accomplished artist, with his work covered in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The London Times, and displayed all over the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York. keep on reading »

Choose your weapon to boost creative output. – Love Your Work, Episode 86

August 10, 2017

choose your weapon podcast

It’s easier than ever for creators to get their work noticed. But, it’s harder than ever to actually get that work done. keep on reading »

David Allen: Getting Things Done to clear the space for creative work. – Love Your Work, Episode 85

August 03, 2017

david allen podcast interview

Almost 15 years ago, Getting Things Done started taking the internet by storm. Techies started buying binder clips and index cards in bulk. Today, “next actions” and “contexts” are commonplace in teams around the world. Just about everyone knows GTD stands for Getting Things Done. keep on reading »

Yes, you can multitask creative work. – Love Your Work, Episode 84

July 27, 2017

multitask creative work podcast

You’ve heard that multitasking is a myth. I’m here to tell you that the idea that multitasking is a myth, is somewhat of a myth in itself. keep on reading »

12,500 hours of deliberate rest. Alex Soojun-Kim Pang. – Love Your Work, Episode 83

July 20, 2017

alex soojung kim pangBy now you’ve heard that you need 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become a master of your craft. The story you don’t hear is that it also takes 12,500 hours of deliberate rest.

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Stop thinking. Start doing. Three simple ways. – Love Your Work, Episode 82

July 13, 2017

stop thinking start doing

It’s so easy to get caught up in ruminating over what we might do. I know I ruminated over starting this podcast for more than FOUR YEARS before I finally took action.

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Go with your Hunch. Bernadette Jiwa. – Love Your Work, Episode 81

July 06, 2017

bernadette jiwa interviewBernadette Jiwa (@bernadettejiwa) thinks there’s been an obsession with data in entrepreneurship over the past several years. When we’re not sure about something, we’re encouraged to run tests.

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Why “Hustle?” – Love Your Work, Episode 80

June 29, 2017

why hustle podcast

There are a lot of voices out there in entrepreneurship encouraging you to “Hustle.” I really don’t like this word, and I think it sends the wrong message about just what you should be aspiring to in your life and work.

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